Webmaster Tools and Resources

Written by S. Housley

With new technologies, algorithms and sources emerging on a daily basis, webmasters are constantly struggling to stay informed. The quality of content onrepparttar web andrepparttar 119916 number of products available to webmasters can seem overwhelming. The goal of creating a site that can be quickly found can be a struggle. Unless webmasters have a well-established brand, a great domain name and a huge marketing budget, it is important that they appear in search engines via specific keywords. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of resources and products that will benefit webmasters in their efforts to be found.

1.) Webmaster Articles & Tutorials -The Internet is rich with resources for webmasters who are developing and optimizing web content. The web hosts a vast variety of web design tutorials and articles. Forrepparttar 119917 novice, sifting through these resources can be daunting and overwhelming.

Site Point - New Articles, Fresh Thinking for Web Developers and Designers - With a vast variety of web design tutorials and articles coupled with a vibrant and well informed community, SitePoint isrepparttar 119918 natural place to go to grow your online business. http://www.sitepoint.com/

WebProNews - WebProNews is an article portal for Internet and Technology professionals and has thousands of articles on web design and development. The articles are from iEntry's network of expert writers through hundreds of relationships with authors aroundrepparttar 119919 world. http://www.webpronews.com/

2.) Webmaster Forums - Not only can participating in various forums and posting your various views and ideas potentially bring new growth and life to your online business, it can help you stay informed about industry news or changes. This is particularly important when working in a new, quickly advancing industry like web design and search engine optimization. The following forums are great places for webmasters to participate and monitor.

ThreadWatch - ThreadWatch is a nifty tool. The concept of Threadwatch is very simple: findingrepparttar 119920 signal amongstrepparttar 119921 noise of internet marketing media takes too much of what we all value most, time. Threadwatch.org cuts throughrepparttar 119922 chatter and produces a clear signal forrepparttar 119923 time-starved professional Internet marketer. http://www.threadwatch.org

Webmaster-Talk - The WebmasterTalk forum covers material related to Web Design, PHP Help, Coding, Hosting, Domain Names, graphic optimization and related webmaster topics. The forum is extremely popular and generally, posts will receive almost instant responses from knowledgeable professionals. Of course, like any forum, there are bound to be opposing views ensuring that all sides of every issue are raised. http://www.webmaster-talk.com

3.) Website Submission Tools - According to research more then 90% of Internet traffic is generated by search engines. Submitting your website to all major search engines isrepparttar 119924 most effective way of promoting your website onrepparttar 119925 Internet. In order for web surfers to locate your site you must be included in allrepparttar 119926 major search engines. There are a number of tools available to assist withrepparttar 119927 submission process.

Internet Business Promoter - Internet Business Promoter is a suite of 10 professional web promotion tools in one software application. All ofrepparttar 119928 tools are designed to assist web developers with all aspects of web site promotion and search engine optimization. We found that IBP's strength was inrepparttar 119929 website submission options. Once a site is created it must be submitted to search engines and directories. IBP streamlines and simplifiesrepparttar 119930 submission process, saving significant amounts of time. http://www.axandra.com/ibp

FreeWebSubmission.com - Free Web Submission isrepparttar 119931 source for free search engine submission. They provide webmasters and site owners with free manual and auto submission torepparttar 119932 highest-rated, free internet search engines and directories. http://www.freewebsubmission.com/

AddMe - AddMe is a leading resource for webmasters and small-business owners specialized in website submission and promotion inrepparttar 119933 search engines. AddMe offers free online website submission to 14 major search engines in exchange for a reciprocal link. AddMe is well known and respected inrepparttar 119934 industry. http://www.addme.com/

Many ofrepparttar 119935 online submissions require an e-mail address. In order to limit excessive unwanted e-mail many webmasters will use a "throw-away" e-mail address that would allow them to initially receive notification thatrepparttar 119936 site is submitted but is ultimately an e-mail account they can discontinue afterrepparttar 119937 submission process. This practice is suggested for anyone using a free service for site submissions.

4.) Online Tools - A number of resource sites are available onrepparttar 119938 web to assist webmasters. The resources are generally free and contain useful analytical tools.

DigitalPoint - The DigitalPoint site contains a variety of tools specifically for webmasters. The tools are a collection of useful online tools, from a Google AdSense Sandbox that shows which Google AdSense ads will be displayed for any webpage onrepparttar 119939 Internet, to web ranking tools that track Yahoo's web rank. http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/

SEO Survey - Tools to help SEO specialists and webmasters automate some ofrepparttar 119940 important tasks involved inrepparttar 119941 routine of optimization. http://www.socengine.com/seo/tools.html

5.) Webmaster Software - The aim of many applications is to save time, money or productivity. Webmsters can often use software to replace a task they do manually, freeing up their time to pursue other tasks.

FeedForAll - FeedForAll creates, edits, manages and publishes RSS feeds. As webmasters realizerepparttar 119942 benefits to RSS, software related to RSS is becoming an instrumental tool in their arsenal. http://www.feedforall.com

Brand Love (Part II)

Written by John Jordan

Last issue, I talked about increasing your Brand Love-- meaning to increaserepparttar affection that prospects and customers feel toward your business.


Because increasing "affection" will build relationships. Those relationships, if made strong enough by increased Brand Love, build a bridge for prospects to become customers. To some, that bridge might be made of rope, swaying inrepparttar 119915 breeze, complete with wooden planks. To others, it will be a mighty stone structure. It all depends on how well you connect with each prospect.

It also means putting more cement onrepparttar 119916 bond withrepparttar 119917 customers you already have. Locking customers in, tighter and tighter with every brand experience is a critical aspect to profitability and growth. The reason here is twofold: It costs less to maintain current customers than to gain new ones, andrepparttar 119918 best advertising is word of mouth. Sounds like a cliché ('cause they are), but... it's true, folks.

So,repparttar 119919 big question is: How to do it and do it better than your competition.

Previously, I mentioned getting honest and forthright feedback from customers. Having one-on-one conversations can help. You will also get valued honesty from questionnaire cards that have a few quick answers AND some space to write in other thoughts. Actually, that could berepparttar 119920 most important aspect ofrepparttar 119921 card. Getting this kind of feedback can provide huge rewards.

First, this type of “silent” feedback letsrepparttar 119922 writer give a more honest opinion, rather than talking face-to-face. They don’t have to sign their name. Also,repparttar 119923 feedback given can open up trains of thought that may not have occurred to you before. You may get insight into improving your core business. The insight may turn into a realization that leads to big discovery, such as a different product, service, or an entire market.

Another way to increase Brand Love isrepparttar 119924 proper training of your employees. Nothing is more of downer (except perhaps bad merchandise) to a customer than an incompetent employee. Service should be a big part of your marketing plan, and that means involving time and expense to train your employees properly. We've all heard our economy is becoming more service-based, but we've all suffered from bad service- more often than not. Being on hold five minutes or more. Being ignored when you walk inrepparttar 119925 door. Given incorrect information, being overcharged, or having something delivered late. All bad news for customers.

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