When running a small business it is very important to lay out a plan of where your business is, what would you like to bring to
world through your business, where you want to take it and plan
best way to get there. This can be a formal business plan, which is an excellent strategizing tool to develop for your business and then you can update and refocus it from time to time. Or you can start out with a more informal mission statement and assessment of your strengths and areas that need improvement. This second option is a lot less intimidating and will help you gain clarity and focus on what is really important to you and
best strategies for achieving it.The most important key is to develop a complete marketing plan. This will cover your business philosophy and your strategies for adding value and client extras all
way through what advertising you might place and where to reach your target audience. These ten tips will help you update your business planning and give you a fresh look at your business.
1. Pay attention to articles in newspapers, magazines and television shows about trends and changes in national and international demographics. This information can be very helpful in finding new business opportunities for you, increasing profits and ideas for providing additional value and service for people who do business with you.
2. Go right to your most knowledgeable source, your clients. Ask them for referrals. Explain to them how important this is to your business; give them an extra incentive for spreading
word about your products or services. Providing a small gift is a nice way to show them how much you appreciate their help in referring new business.
3. A marketing plan is only as good as
tracking system you put in place. It will enable you to see where your marketing dollars are being
most beneficial to your business. You will need to track each client, or request for additional information. Get in
habit of asking your clients "How did you hear about us?" Then keep that information in your database along with there name, address, and any special request or preferences they may have. It is important to know how that client found you, through an ad, referral, your web site... You will see patterns begin to emerge allowing you to focus your marketing efforts where they are
most effective.
4. Joining your local chamber of commerce or other trade associations will help you to network and connect with other small business owners. You will be able to share experiences and bounce new ideas off of these people, and share with other people experiences you have had providing possible solutions to problems they may be facing. More and more
small business world works best when businesses co-partner and act in a mutual interdependent way.
5. You are always marketing your business and yourself. Even if you don't think it is a "business setting" you are still conveying an impression of yourself and your business. Be helpful and listen to people. Helping people is very rewarding all by its self but you will find that other people notice and will think of your business first when they need
product or service you offer because they know you are committed to
community and helping others.