Organise your Mind

Written by Lynn Claridge

The road to achievement can be short, long or a dead endrepparttar choice is yours. Yes I will repeat that THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

It is a fact that all people both men or women can make a success of their life and can achieve great riches in both monetary terms and ultimate happiness. The truth is to obtain ultimate happiness you have to be rich inrepparttar 122916 monetary sense. Let me explain this in further detail. If you want to achieve a happy and fulfilled life you will need money to do it. You will want a new car. You will want a larger home. You will want to go on holiday. You will want to go torepparttar 122917 Theatre. You will want new clothes. The list is endless. It is not greed, it is a natural human need, it is in our nature, we always want more, we wantrepparttar 122918 best, we want to fill our world with beautiful things. To getrepparttar 122919 things we want, we need money. This makes us happy. Do not pretend otherwise. The saying “I am happy with what I have” is used as an excuse forrepparttar 122920 under-achiever. Deep down they are usually envious of what other people have. The “I am happy with what I have” people are oftenrepparttar 122921 ones withrepparttar 122922 Lotto ticket in their hand watchingrepparttar 122923 numbers roll out and hoping they will win.

So Organize Your Mind!!

Most people’s minds are like a rubbish bin; you openrepparttar 122924 lid and just throw things into it. You collect all your thoughts and just throw them into your mind all jumbled up. The successful person onrepparttar 122925 other hand has an organised mind. They will concentrate on obtaining what they want out of life. Everyday will be a day closer to obtaining that goal. Nowadays we are becoming more environmentally aware so we have to separate our rubbish. We have to put paper in one bin, coke cans in another, plastic in another and so on. Our rubbish is organised and placed into separate containers. Then whenrepparttar 122926 container is emptied, we start to fill it again but only withrepparttar 122927 things that are meant to go into that container. Of course ifrepparttar 122928 containers were never emptied allrepparttar 122929 rubbish would fall out and would eventually mix withrepparttar 122930 rubbish fromrepparttar 122931 other overflowing containers and would therefore become a jumbled rubbish bin again.

Sorepparttar 122932 first stage has now become clear we have to organiserepparttar 122933 rubbish in our brains into neat little containers and once finished with it, throw it away. There is a good reason why we have to do this. We want to concentrate on getting rich, on obtaining our goals, not spend our time sorting rubbish. Sorepparttar 122934 first stage has to be, sortrepparttar 122935 rubbish once and for all.

The Worst Thing to be Addicted To

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Personal Life and EQ Coach

Sheley is worried about her financial situation. She has a home business that seems promising but is still barely producing and her credit card bills are starting to pile up. She picks uprepparttar newspaper to look atrepparttar 122915 want ads, thinks about doing some marketing for her home business, wonders which isrepparttar 122916 best course of action or if she should do both, and then decides to have a cigarette and cleanrepparttar 122917 house.

Sam has marital problems. His wife has abandonedrepparttar 122918 marriage, not just emotionally, but she’s moved out ofrepparttar 122919 house. He knows it’s over and wants to find a new love and get on with his life, but he’s worried aboutrepparttar 122920 financial consequences if he files for divorce. He picks uprepparttar 122921 phone to call a lawyer, gets put on hold, and decides it’s a better time to go sailing on his catamaran.

“The exercise will be good for me,” he tells himself. “Taking these extended sails is getting me in good physical shape. What does it matter if I take another 3 days off?”

Antonio has no idea what to do with retirement. People keep telling him how lucky he is to be able to retire, but he doesn’t see it that way. It’s one worry after another trying to figure out what to do with himself and how to passrepparttar 122922 time. He has a nagging suspicion his personal life coach was on to something in every suggestion she gave him, particularlyrepparttar 122923 one about his sense of self-worth being attached only to his profession and his need to develop his emotional intelligence and start creatingrepparttar 122924 next stage of his life.

He picks uprepparttar 122925 ebook she sent him and reads something about authenticity. “This is getting on my nerves,” he tells himself, and his thoughts wander to his mistress. His hand reaches forrepparttar 122926 phone.

Each of these people is addicted to something that’s stalling them out. The activity chosen varies, in their cases nicotine, a compulsive physical activity, and sex, butrepparttar 122927 real source ofrepparttar 122928 problem is their addiction to worrying. The addiction gives then something to do whenrepparttar 122929 worry builds up. It’s action, but it’s spinning wheels, not going somewhere.

An addiction can be something that’s bad for your physical health such as cigarettes or drugs, in which case it’s a stretch to rationalize; or it can be something that’s good for your physical health, such as jogging or boating, in which case it’s easy to rationalize and you’ll also get positive affirmation from others. However, any addictive approach is bad for your total well-being – your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental health.

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