It’s All About Beliefs

Written by Bob Lodie

It’s All About Beliefs

Changing your mindset can have a significant impact on achieving your goals.

We’ve all heard aboutrepparttar power of positive thinking but does it work? How does your thinking influence your actions and get yourepparttar 142327 results you want?

Understanding Your Mindset

The Wall Street Journal recently published an article aboutrepparttar 142328 significance of our beliefs andrepparttar 142329 mental models, or mindsets that shape our behavior. According torepparttar 142330 psychologists interviewed forrepparttar 142331 piece, we act and perform in accordance withrepparttar 142332 beliefs these models tell us is true.

Yet most of us have some flawed or erroneous beliefs, which in turn misguide our interpretation of our world. As a result, we seerepparttar 142333 world not as it is, but as we are – and it’s this flawed interpretation that drives our attitude and behavior.

For example, if you think something is not possible or out of your reach, you’re probably not going to commit much energy and resources to accomplishing that goal. Whether it’s gathering new assets, landing a big client, or simply getting out ofrepparttar 142334 office at five o’clock, your thoughts influence your actions.

The bottom line is that our beliefs become our truths and reality. Henry Ford explained it best when he said, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”

What This Means to You

The professionals I work with are highly skilled and well-educated individuals with rewarding compensation plans. They also have mindsets that support or inhibit their ability to optimize their performance and results. Overrepparttar 142335 course of my career I’ve witnessed just how significantly these mindsets influence success.

As changes inrepparttar 142336 industry and your market occur, so dorepparttar 142337 demands on you and your business. No longer is skills training sufficient enough to ensure that you will accomplish your goals. Old habits die slowly because they are driven by an outdated mindset. And despiterepparttar 142338 efforts of many corporations and businesses, behavior-based training and monetary incentives don’t have a lasting effect on performance. It’s your mindset that needs changing and then lasting behavior change will follow.

Insanity is often defined as doingrepparttar 142339 same things over and over again, while expecting different results. If this rings a bell, it may be time to change your mindset so you can get different results.


Written by Helene Mazur



”Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left?

Answer: five.

Why? Because there's a difference between deciding and doing” Mark L. Feldman & Michael F. Spratt

You have done it. You have a plan. You've outlined priorities; you know what has to get done to reachrepparttar goal. You are atrepparttar 142326 “go” point when you start getting nervous.

Ok, so JUMP!

Sure, except… “Where am I going to findrepparttar 142327 time? What if I lose my staff? What ifrepparttar 142328 plan fails? OR, WHAT IF THE PLAN TAKES OFF?”

Welcome torepparttar 142329 critical place where many plans hit a crossroad. A plan - whether it’s on paper, or buried somewhere in your PC (or evenrepparttar 142330 back of your mind) - may carefully identify strengths, capture a vision and detailrepparttar 142331 steps to make your dreams come true, but if you don’t act on it, it is destined to be just a record of what “might have been”.

None ofrepparttar 142332 steps inrepparttar 142333 strategic planning process is as vital as that of taking a plan forward and making it work.


“The most difficult thing isrepparttar 142334 decision to act,repparttar 142335 rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; andrepparttar 142336 procedure,repparttar 142337 process is its own reward.” Amelia Earhart

Whenrepparttar 142338 goal is to swim in a new direction,repparttar 142339 difference between success and ‘stuck’ likely involves change.

They tell us it takes 21 days to break an old habit, and 65 days to establish a new one! The basic truth is - change isn’t easy. We regularly travel nicely established paths formed by our habits. To forge new roads, our old habits need to be replaced. Unfortunately we get used to doing it one way for so long, it becomes comfortable. The transition period during any change initiative is usually uncomfortable – and it is hard to get out of a familiar, comfortable place.

Another reason that it is hard to change habits is that we forget to. You have to have reminders around during a transition period, or you probably won't remember.

The truth is that evenrepparttar 142340 most self-determined, energetic, ‘take charge’ types of people who are good at getting things done, find it hard to change habits on their own.

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