In Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action. (Part 1)

Written by Brent Filson

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided torepparttar author, and it appears withrepparttar 142209 included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to:

Word count: 757

Summary: Results don't happen unless people take action. But there are right and wrong ways to take action. Here are eight ways of right action that every leader must challengerepparttar 142210 people they lead to take.

In Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action. (Part 1) by Brent Filson

The ancient Greeks had a saying: "When Aschines speaks,repparttar 142211 people say, 'How well he speaks,' but when Demosthenes speaks,repparttar 142212 people say, 'Let's march against Philip!'".

To getrepparttar 142213 best results as a leader,repparttar 142214 people you lead should be saying in one way orrepparttar 142215 other after you speak, "Let's march!"

When you speak to people as a leader, it's not what you say that's really important, what's important isrepparttar 142216 action people take after you have had your say. And if you are not havingrepparttar 142217 people you lead takerepparttar 142218 right action, you're giving short shrift to your leadership, their trust in you, and their desire to take action for you.

Here arerepparttar 142219 8 ways of right action to get people marching inrepparttar 142220 right way forrepparttar 142221 right purpose atrepparttar 142222 right time inrepparttar 142223 right direction.

I'll delineaterepparttar 142224 first four ways in part one of this two-part article then in part two, I'll describerepparttar 142225 last four ways.

Action must be: (1) PHYSICAL. Action is not whatrepparttar 142226 audience thinks or feels. It is whatrepparttar 142227 audience actually does. Usually,repparttar 142228 audience takes action with their feet and hands and tools. When thinking of what action you want your audience to take, imagine their actually doing something physical, and you are on track. Getting your audience to take right action involves challenging them to do one specific thing. When Ronald Reagan said in his speech atrepparttar 142229 Berlin Wall, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" he was delivering a call-to-action that was a stunning turning point inrepparttar 142230 Cold War. In your day to day leadership activities, you are probably not meeting such daunting challenges as winning a war, but you can userepparttar 142231 principle to raiserepparttar 142232 effectiveness of your leadership to much higher levels.

(2) PURPOSEFUL. People who take action are useless to an organization. It is only those people who take action for results who are useful. Make sure their action has purpose. The secret of success is constancy of purpose. When your audience does take action, they should know exactly what they are doing and why they are doing it. Purpose in leadership talk has three aspects: reason, feeling and awareness. People should understandrepparttar 142233 rational justification forrepparttar 142234 action; they should have an emotional commitment torepparttar 142235 action; and be fully mindful that they are taking action.

In Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action. (Part 2)

Written by Brent Filson

PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided torepparttar author, and it appears withrepparttar 142208 included copyright, resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: mail to:

Word count: 687

Summary: Results don't happen unless people take action. But there are right and wrong ways to take action. Here are eight ways of right action that every leader must challengerepparttar 142209 people they lead to take.

In Leadership, The Eight Ways Of Right Action. (Part 2) by Brent Filson

In Part 1, I said that leaders who can't have people take right action are ineffective, and I listed four ofrepparttar 142210 eight ways of right action. In Part 2, I'll describerepparttar 142211 remaining four ways.

Action must be: (5) LINKED TO NEED. The people's needs are their reality. If you are an order leader, you clearly do not have to know their needs. You simply exhibit a my-way-or-the-highway attitude. But if you want to motivate them to take action, you need to understand that reality. Because their motivation is not your choice, it's their choice. Your role is to communicate, their role is to motivate, to motivate themselves. It's their choice. It's not yours. So their needs are not only their reality, inrepparttar 142212 leadership equation, their needs arerepparttar 142213 only reality. They don't care about your needs. They don't care about your reality. They only care about their reality. Tierepparttar 142214 action you want them to take to THEIR NEEDS, not yours. Which means of course that you have to clearly identify their needs.

(6) URGENT: Patience is a virtue, but it can also be a tender trap. Urgency is a results-multiplier. A Roman centurion saidrepparttar 142215 secret to instilling urgency inrepparttar 142216 troops was summed up in two words, "hit them." His credo lives today inrepparttar 142217 order leader -- not necessarily in a physical sense but more importantly in a psychological sense. But trying to gain urgency through "hit them" is far less effective than having urgency come fromrepparttar 142218 people's internal motivation. Here's a process to have people take urgent action: IDENTIFY THEIR NEEDS, SEE THE PROBLEMS IN THEIR NEEDS, AND HAVE THEIR TAKING ACTION PROVIDE SOLUTIONS TO THOSE PROBLEMS.

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