Are You the Jack of All Trades?

Written by Sean Wu

The most commonly overlooked question for a great number of netpreneurs who are looking to start an online business is whether they are planning to do it alone or as a team. Whether you are planning to start or have already began working on your Internet business, it is wise to step back and evaluaterepparttar different skills that are required to succeed online.

For most people new to an online business, their Internet dream starts with a great idea, which can be an original ebook, affiliate program, software, or online service. Yet, most people fail to realize that from their ideas,repparttar 108928 product or service must be produced, a web site must be created, a marketing campaign must be executed, and so on and so forth.

Many people say thatrepparttar 108929 beauty of starting an online business is that it requires little or no startup cost. Well,repparttar 108930 truth is that if you are planning to start an online business with little or no money, be prepared to do A LOT of things yourself.

Also, starting an Internet business rarely costs nothing. Atrepparttar 108931 very least, you'll need a computer, an Internet connection, and a web host if you are planning to have a web site.

If you are planning to pursue your Internet dream alone, you will have to berepparttar 108932 jack of all trades. That means that you must be your own web site developer, product creator, search engine expert, links manager, ezine publisher, customer service personnel, accountant, and Internet marketer. Forrepparttar 108933 average person, assuming most, if not all, ofrepparttar 108934 roles mentioned above is indeed a daunting task.

Onrepparttar 108935 other hand, you may choose to work on your Internet business as a team. The advantage of working with a team is that it lessens each person's workload and allows each individual to concentrate more on his or her assigned task(s). However, be prepared to share your profits with each other.

Caring for Your Customers

Written by Terri Seymour

Caring for Your Customers © Terri Seymour

You probably think I am going to say something like, "The customer is always right." Right?? Wrong.

I have many philosophies when dealing with customers, but I definitely do not believe thatrepparttar customer is always right. However, whenrepparttar 108927 customer is wrong, you must handlerepparttar 108928 situation delicately.

There are many types of customers and each one needs to be treated with respect and consideration no matter how difficult they may be. I have found that most (not all) people can be soothed out of their "nastiness".

I used to work at our local casino and I would get all kinds of customers to deal with. Most of them were very pleasant as inrepparttar 108929 IM business, but there were a few that were very difficult. There was this one night when I came in contact with this particularly difficult lady who, of course, was having bad luck. She was just a bit**in" and blamingrepparttar 108930 casino!!

I calmly yet firmly talked to her in a reassuring and respectful manner each and every time I came around. I noticed that each time I did talk to her she became more and more relaxed and controlled. Until finally, later inrepparttar 108931 evening, I went intorepparttar 108932 Ladies Room and who should be there, butrepparttar 108933 difficult lady! Well, as I came in, she burst out, " There she is. There's that girl who was so nice to me all night long and made me feel so much better"! She could not have been more grateful. ;-)

Now this will not happen everytime you run into a difficult customer, but it could happen often. Treat people with respect, kindness and consideration and more often then not, you will be able to calm down a dissatisfied, belligerent customer. Listen torepparttar 108934 customer and let them know you will do everything possible to getrepparttar 108935 problem resolved. Show them that you care!

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