Are You the Jack of All Trades?

Written by Sean Wu

Continued from page 1

If you do not have any friends who are interested or willing to work with you, then you might consider hiring others to work for you. You can hire others to work for you on a one-time basis (such as designing your web site) or you may choose to employ someone to do some routine work (such as maintaining and updating your web site).

Now, if you still think that starting an Internet business is easy, think again. Despite allrepparttar hype that you might have heard about making great amounts of money from your own product or affiliate program, succeeding online does not happen overnight.

However, starting an Internet business does not necessarily have to be hard. As with any offline business, an Internet business requires that you takerepparttar 108928 time to learnrepparttar 108929 different aspects ofrepparttar 108930 business. Would you go to battle in a war if you have never done any military training?

After all, an Internet business is, as its name implies, a business. Hence, you must treat your Internet business seriously if you wish to succeed. Having an Internet business does not mean that you can work any less than an offline one. It only allows you to work flexible hours fromrepparttar 108931 comfort of your home (and in your underwear, if you wish).

So, if you are thinking of starting an Internet business, decide today: do you want to berepparttar 108932 jack of all trades? If so, be prepared to open your eyes (and mind!) to learning new things every day! After all, isn't learning supposed to be a lifelong process?

Onrepparttar 108933 other hand, if you don't want to berepparttar 108934 jack of all trades, be prepared to open up your wallet... KATCHING!

^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Sean Wu is the founder of, a newly launched web site that reveals the truth about making money online.

Subscribe to his MoneyALLY Newsletter today and get as your FREE gift a $159 Money-Making Starter Kit. Simply send a blank e-mail to: ^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^

Caring for Your Customers

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

You need to actually care about your customer and care about making sure they are satisfied with you and your service and/or product. Do not just think ofrepparttar customer as another sale.

If you getrepparttar 108927 eternally nasty customer who will not be consoled no matter what you do, do not lose control or sink to their level. Remain calm but firm. The customer is not always right no matter how much they think they are. Be courteous and polite.

Since I have been online, I have only encountered about three customers ofrepparttar 108928 eternally nasty type. ;-) I did my best, but to no avail. So I had no choice but to send them on their way. I stood up for myself and for MOE and did not insult them in any way. But as we know, there is just no pleasing some people.

I would say that 99% ofrepparttar 108929 people I have encountered online have been absolutely wonderful! They make it easy to treat them with respect and courtesy. I, who has been painfully shy most of my life, love working with people and enjoy interacting with them online and offline. I think all (well, almost all) people are good in one way or another and deserve to be treated as such.

This is why I do business byrepparttar 108930 motto: Treat others as you would like to be treated and Be true to yourself and your customers!

************* Terri Seymour and her husband Terry of offer a no cost, home business opportunity. Apply online. Resources and more for your home business available at Free ecourse


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