The Best Travel Games

Written by Steve Gillman

Continued from page 1

In another car travel game, someone looks outrepparttar window and randomly selects an object. Everyone inrepparttar 144165 car then tries to imagine a creative way to make money with it. Overpasses become places to advertise, cows are rented out, and a truck becomes a traveling discotheque.

Other Car Travel Games

Turn onrepparttar 144166 radio and you can have a game in which everyone tries to berepparttar 144167 first to call outrepparttar 144168 name ofrepparttar 144169 artist when a song starts. You can changerepparttar 144170 station, so you don't have to wait through a whole song to continuerepparttar 144171 contest.

In another car radio game, each person inrepparttar 144172 car chooses a word. Then you turn onrepparttar 144173 radio. The person whose word is spoken (or sung) first onrepparttar 144174 radio isrepparttar 144175 winner.

Finally, have one person inrepparttar 144176 car start a story with a sentence or two. Each person in turn adds a line torepparttar 144177 story. This can get personal, but usually creates a story that has everyone laughing.

Steve Gillman hit the road at sixteen, and traveled alone across the United States and Mexico at 17. Now 40, he continues to travel with his wife Ana, whom he met in Ecuador. His stories, tips and information on travel, can be found at:

Choosing A Home That Matches Your Lifestyle

Written by Lois A. Vitt

Continued from page 1

A home can support a variety of lifestyles, but only if decisions are carefully made. Each person's housing history, habits and cultural preferences are rooted in social relationships. Ideally, these relationships are respected and reflected through their home.

It's a very good idea to identify your preferred lifestyle before making a move. Do you prefer…

* A solitary lifestyle: You go your own way and do your own thing, unconcerned about what others think of your choices.

* An accommodating lifestyle: Your preference is shared living, possibly even nurturing others.

* An essential lifestyle: By choice or by necessity, you live simply, withoutrepparttar array of modern conveniences many others take for granted.

* A communal lifestyle: You prefer community living arrangements, enjoying group activities with others who share your interests, hobbies or life stages.

* A public lifestyle: You like to influence others or you are motivated to lead and be active in organizations, so you choose housing that allows you to devote time and energy to activities important to you.

Whatever your lifestyle, examine your social needs carefully as you look for your next home. The time you spend will is guaranteed to help you make a much better housing decision.

Lois A. Vitt is a housing expert and financial sociologist, and is the author of "10 Secrets to Successful Home Buying and Selling: Using Your Housing Psychology to Make Smarter Decisions", the first book in the real estate market to demystify the psychological forces behind our housing decisions. To learn more about Lois and this book, visit

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