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If, for example, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays are weaker in traffic, these sure wouldn't be best days to send out your newsletter or offers. They would likely end up competing more fiercely for attention because fewer of your prospects are online. This increases possibility of a *quick scan* or even a *delete* when your prospects get to their fuller mailboxes later.
How about time of day? Are your leads visiting more heavily around lunch (11 am to 2 pm) and dinner (5 pm to 8 pm), for example? Is there a fairly consistent pattern? If so, you certainly don't want to send your offer outside of these key time ranges. Again, to do otherwise would be to unnecessarily increase your mailbox competition.
Now, take a look at days and times of your SALES. Do you see a pattern here as well? If you do, it can be quite a valuable lesson.
When are your prospects in buying mood? What days? And what times during day? Clearly, you want to make contact at their most receptive times.
So, be ready when your prospects are. Be in right place at right time, ACCIDENTLY ON PURPOSE, to increase your response rates. Study your site stats and coordinate those marketing efforts within your control (particularly when you send out your ezine) to coincide with *peak prospect receptiveness* for your particular business.
Joshua Rose is the Editor of The Internet Profit Wizards Newsletter, where he writes about the three most important skills needed to attain internet success. To subscribe, visit: