Tales Of The Bizarro World

Written by The Indy Voice

Continued from page 1

The Dan Rather/CBS story didn't affect my life at all but my taxes paid Armstrong Williams and who knows how many other conservative pundits to promote a Bush administration governmental program. Add to all this thatrepparttar CBS non-story is probably going to lead to journalists, who by and large have taken an extended break from being journalists, to be less aggressive and more concerned with losing their jobs. This means that we all should expect to see more "news" stories about J.Lo and Paris Hilton and whether or not a love triangle wasrepparttar 125899 reason forrepparttar 125900 breakup between Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. These types of stories should continue to dominaterepparttar 125901 news headlines, at least until CNN gets some forged documents from an romantically-motivated Angela Jolie, forever ruiningrepparttar 125902 perception of news agencies as being "fair and balanced" and always right, allrepparttar 125903 time. Then we can expect news to include stories aboutrepparttar 125904 sky being blue and water being wet. This will all continue until a left-leaning President is elected and thenrepparttar 125905 same conservatives that are calling forrepparttar 125906 heads of CBS news producers will be asking for a return to investigative journalism so that we can get torepparttar 125907 bottom of cigars, dresses, interns and white lies.

The Indy Voice (http://www.theindyvoice/) is a no-nonsense blog that discusses politics, current affairs, and American society and culture without any consideration of ratings or commercial entities (big business). The Indy Voice

The Animal Rights Summit

Written by David Leonhardt

Continued from page 1

I decided to try a rapprochement. "You have to admit that most people would rather sacrifice a few laboratory rats than discover their children have gone blind."

"Mice!" insisted Mouse #1.

"Pardon me," I replied

"We are mice, not rats," explained Mouse #2.

Robin Gunn snorted. His band of merry hunters snorted, too.

"I suspect most people would not care whether their cosmetics are tested on mice or rats or elephants, as long as they knowrepparttar products are safe before they buy them," I suggested helpfully.

"Great! Now our host wants to torture elephants , too," Big Bear growled with an increasingly hungry look in his eyes. "Don't you know they are an endangered species?"

It was at that point that I decided to bring in Plan B. "Brownies anyone?"

Robin Gunn snorted. His band of merry hunters snorted, too. But they aterepparttar 125898 brownies.

I turned to Mr. Gunn. '"I understandrepparttar 125899 need to eat animals I said, with one eye on Big Bear, but doesn't killing them for sport seem a bit much?"

"Why?" Mr. Gunn wanted to know.

"Well, it doesn't seem like much of a sport when one team gets a high-powered shotgun, whilerepparttar 125900 other never even knows there's a game going on, does it?"

Big Bear growled. The mice growled, too. OK, so it was more like a high-pitched squeak, but it'srepparttar 125901 thought that counts, right?

I tried another line of discussion. "What if you met withrepparttar 125902 animals to pick teams. Wouldn't that be a little more fair?"

Robin Gunn looked at me like I was crazy. Big Bear looked at me like I was crazy.

It turns out that I was crazy. The summit ended in a dismal failure. Big Bear lovedrepparttar 125903 brownies, but he wanted something more. The Three Blind Mice never even saw him coming.

And Mrs. Gunn is really enjoying her new bearskin rug.

Meanwhile, I don't know what to do about my increasingly greasy hair. I suppose that sooner or later, I'll have to use shampoo. Inrepparttar 125904 meantime, I wonder...do you think ketchup will work?

David Leonhardt is author of Climb Your Stairway to Heaven http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?isbn=059517826X Read more personal growth articles: http://www.thehappyguy.com/self-actualization-articles.html Visit his liquid vitamins store: http://www.vitamin-supplements-store.net Or his happiness website: http://www.thehappyguy.com

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