Written by C.J. Hayden, MCC

Continued from page 1
Now imagine placing a follow-up call to a prospect where you are completely honest. You could say, "I have some days open on my calendar soon and I'm wondering if this would be a good time for that project we've been discussing." Or, "We haven't talked in a while and I'd like to find out if you're still planning to startrepparttar new training program this year." I see so many professionals and consultants struggle with trying to find an "excuse" to call a prospect. You don't need some manufactured excuse. You knowrepparttar 120947 reason you're calling. Most ofrepparttar 120948 time THEY knowrepparttar 120949 reason you're calling. Just say what it is. Let's extend this same principle to making a cold call. Instead of stumbling around awkwardly trying to make a polished -- but unnatural -- sales approach, imagine yourself saying, "I'm not much of a salesperson, but I'm really good at what I do. Can we have a conversation about what you need and see if I'mrepparttar 120950 right person forrepparttar 120951 job?" If you've been working from a cold-calling script that makes you flush and get a tight throat every time you read it, throw it out. Come up with one really good opening line that feels authentic and gets directly torepparttar 120952 point. Then decide how you will answer -- honestly -- some ofrepparttar 120953 typical questions prospects ask you. My bet is that your calls will immediately get easier. In fact,repparttar 120954 more you become honest, direct, and authentic in all of your marketing,repparttar 120955 more appealing selling will be to you,repparttar 120956 more effortless it will become, andrepparttar 120957 more success you will ultimately achieve. Because most business results from building relationships, and how can you develop a relationship with someone when you never reveal who you really are? C.J. Hayden, MCC

C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Clients NOW! Since 1992, C.J. has been teaching business owners and salespeople to make more money with less effort. She is a Master Certified Coach and leads workshops internationally. Read more of her articles at

6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Ezine Articles

Written by Jinger Jarrett

Continued from page 1

To keep your latest work in front of publishers, make sure you submit regularly. Weekly is usually a good schedule, and some will allow you to post more than one article at a time.

Some of these sites also have newsletter directories, so don't forget to add your newsletter while your there. This will give you even more promotion.

If you write web promotion and online marketing articles, then I highly recommend You'll find some ofrepparttar top names listed here.

5. Post to mailing lists. Mailing lists onrepparttar 120946 busier sites will give you lots of exposure, especially with those publishers who don't have time to visitrepparttar 120947 article directories.

The best places to find lists to post your articles are: Yahoo - - and Topica -

To find groups, do a search using key words like article lists, writing articles, etc.

I would recommend you check out Shelley Lowery's groups at Yahoo. She has several, and all of them have at least several hundred members.

You can also post your articles to my new list here:

6. Create your own list of ezine publishers. Below are three directories where you can find information on ezines that publish articles. You can easily userepparttar 120948 key word search to find ezines in your area.

(I used these directories to create my own lists.)

The beauty of publishing free articles is that it will give you lots of free publicity. Once you have a system in place, it's very easy to put your work in front of millions. Getting new customers to your site is what it's all about, right?

__________________________________________________ Jinger Jarrett will show you "How To REALLY Start Your Business In 30 Days" . You can get a copy of her free ecourse here: __________________________________________________

Jinger Jarrett will show you "How To REALLY Start Your Business In 30 Days" . You can get a copy of her free ecourse here:

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