Written by C.J. Hayden, MCC

I often wonder howrepparttar practice began of pretending to be someone else in order to market your business. You know what I'm talking about -- it'srepparttar 120947 marketing face,repparttar 120948 selling voice, that you often put on in order to attend a networking event or make a sales call. Who taught you to do that? I have a suspicion where we learn this behavior. Most of us spend a lifetime observing showroom salespeople, product spokespersons inrepparttar 120949 media, and hucksters on street corners. What we see demonstrated there is artificial enthusiasm, manipulative use of language, feigned interest, and in some cases outright deception. Sounds awful, doesn't it? So why copy any part of this distasteful way of selling? Psychologist Abraham Maslow said, "If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Perhaps we believe this isrepparttar 120950 only way we can sell because it'srepparttar 120951 only way we know. I'm not accusing anyone of consciously deceiving prospective clients. What I'm suggesting is that what we do unconsciously and automatically is to behave nauthentically around them. Intuitively, many of us feel as if something is wrong with this way of operating. When we have to sell ourselves, we find it unpleasant, disagreeable, even repulsive. But what if all those negative feelings were simply because we haterepparttar 120952 artificiality and manipulation we think must be a part of selling? Imagine what it would be like to go to a business networking event as yourself. No facade, no pretension, just plain you. When someone asks your reason for coming, you tell themrepparttar 120953 truth. You don't have to claim you wanted to hearrepparttar 120954 speaker (if you didn't). You can come right out and say, "I'm hoping to make some contacts that will lead to business for me." You wouldn't have to invent reasons to start a conversation. You can walk up to someone who looks interesting and say, "Hi, I haven't met you yet." If you're shy around strangers, you can tellrepparttar 120955 first person you meet, "I'm sort of a wallflower and feel awkward at events like this. Could you introduce me to some folks?"

6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Ezine Articles

Written by Jinger Jarrett

6 Easy Ways to Promote Your Ezine Articles by Jinger Jarrett

If you think you can't brand yourself because you're not a major corporation, think again.

You can easily establish yourself as an expert by writing quality articles and submitting them to ezines and directories.

Even if you think you aren't an article writer, you can still create quality articles to help you promote your writing, whether it's your latest novel, ebook, freelancing or business.

First, there are two types of articles that are easy for anyone to write: lists and step-by-step instructions.

Second, write what you know. If you know your subject well, whether it's fiction, business or auto mechanics, you have hundreds, maybe thousands of topics you can write about.

Make your information valuable. No one knows your subjectrepparttar way you do. Give it your unique perspective.

Once you've written that great article, you need to find places to promote it. It doesn't matter how good your article is if no one reads it.

There are several ways you can do this.

1. Include it in your newsletter. Readers love original content, and original content is a terrific way to keep your readers coming back.

2. Archive it on your site. Make your article available from your site for newsletter publishers to download. Give instructions on how to download your articles. Make it as easy as possible to download your articles.

Creating text files that include pre-formatted, and include contact information, word counts, resource boxes, etc. that publishers only have to click on, copy and paste into their own documents, will give your article a better chance of being selected.

3. Create a subscription box on your site. With your own list, you can easily blast your articles to 100s of ezine publishers who want to read and publish your work.

4. Promote to article directories. There are some terrific article directories where you can post your articles.

Many of these sites will give you plenty of exposure for your writing.

Below are some of my favorites sites:

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