Internet Buzzwords and Newbies: Proceed With Caution!

Written by Francisco Aloy

Continued from page 1

The above offers should be investigated from heat to toe! Many of them are simply more ofrepparttar same re-hashed information aimed at Internet business Newbies.

One ofrepparttar 120010 main reasons Internet Marketers continue coming up with so many new programs, applications and systems is known as "Internet Time." Internet products have a very short shelf life; what wasrepparttar 120011 latest thing a year ago will now be old news!

That isn't to say there aren't good systems and technology. However, due diligence is a requirement to ascertainrepparttar 120012 value of any offer presented.

Take your time and look atrepparttar 120013 offer to examine it with a fine tooth comb! You should check out any buzzword filled business offer with extra caution!

Ask allrepparttar 120014 questions you need answered until you're sure you understand what you're getting into. If there are no straight answers to be had, perhaps you should reconsider.


by Francisco Aloy

(C)2004 Francisco Aloy ============================================== Agreement reminder, not part ofrepparttar 120015 article: Please include my working hyperlink inrepparttar 120016 resource box. Remove paragraph before posting.

Francisco Aloy is the author of "Yes, I Want to Start My Internet Business Without Being SCAMMED!." He has an online business catering to the needs of the Newbie Net Entrepreneur. Visit his site to see more of Mr. Aloy's articles.

Tested Business Principles - Do They Count on the Web?

Written by Francisco Aloy

Continued from page 1

That said, let us consider what arerepparttar basic needs of a viable business, other thanrepparttar 120009 obvious need for capitalization:

(1) It must have a place of business, a home. If a Web business, this means your Hosting service.

(2) It must have products and services to sell. All businesses have something to trade.

(3) It must promote itself to let possible customers and partners know it's open for business and taking orders. It can place ads onrepparttar 120010 radio, television, billboards, pamphlets, mailings and so on.

As can be seen,repparttar 120011 basic business needs haven't changed at all! Allrepparttar 120012 other requirements of business flow fromrepparttar 120013 reliable execution ofrepparttar 120014 3 above. The only remaining items are: focus and determination.

You must start anew every day and provide focus and determination to your growing Internet business. The above is something easier said than done because every second ofrepparttar 120015 day we find ourselves distracted by one ofrepparttar 120016 many new offers and gimmicks.

Just remember to finish one project at a time and don't allow yourself to get sidetracked. Sure, you'll still get all those emails telling you howrepparttar 120017 Net is leaving you behind and so on. Ignore them!

The other remaining area of concern arises inrepparttar 120018 translation ofrepparttar 120019 above principles into their Internet equivalent. If this is one of your concerns, don't feel alone! Many big corporations are having just as hard a time grappling withrepparttar 120020 issues of digital marketing, promotion, delivery and pricing!

I invite you to breathe deeply and read this article whenever you feel overwhelmed byrepparttar 120021 latest "flavor ofrepparttar 120022 month" Internet business offer. I hope it helps you find your common sense grounding.


by Francisco Aloy

(C)2004 Francisco Aloy ============================================== Agreement reminder, not part ofrepparttar 120023 article: Please include my working hyperlink inrepparttar 120024 resource box. Remove paragraph before posting.

Francisco Aloy is the author of "Yes, I Want to Start My Internet Business Without Being SCAMMED!." He has an online business catering to the needs of the Newbie Net Entrepreneur. For more information about Business Opportunity, visit:

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