Internet Buzzwords and Newbies: Proceed With Caution!

Written by Francisco Aloy

Learningrepparttar ropes of Internet Marketing is one ofrepparttar 120010 hardest things to do; even more so if you are a Newbie to computers andrepparttar 120011 Web.

I remember watchingrepparttar 120012 movie "The Flim Flam Man" and heardrepparttar 120013 quote "You Can't Con an Honest Man."

The above quote, taken inrepparttar 120014 context ofrepparttar 120015 movie, did make perfect sense. The movie dialog implied thatrepparttar 120016 selfish desire to gain an unethical edge wasrepparttar 120017 hookrepparttar 120018 experienced con man used to snare his victims or "pigeons." Inrepparttar 120019 end,repparttar 120020 victims fell forrepparttar 120021 con because they had a disregard forrepparttar 120022 Golden Rule!

I'm bringing this up becauserepparttar 120023 thinking implied byrepparttar 120024 quote doesn't fit many ofrepparttar 120025 offersrepparttar 120026 Internet Newbie will encounter while searching for a business guide.

You can be a good, honest and hard working person and still fall for many ofrepparttar 120027 traps awaiting you in cyberspace! The most appealing target forrepparttar 120028 experienced Web con man, isrepparttar 120029 Newbie's lack of experience and knowledge!

All overrepparttar 120030 Net there are offers constantly bombarding Newbies withrepparttar 120031 latest systems and applications; "new" methods that will grow a business with a minimum effort!

Some of them are given fancy names: "the K-15 System Will Make You Wealthy!" or, "You Have a Ground Floor Opportunity with G-ZAP, get in now because it won't be available tomorrow...."

Tested Business Principles - Do They Count on the Web?

Written by Francisco Aloy

Every day our mail inboxes are full of new offers, buzzwords, ideas andrepparttar latest software utilities. With allrepparttar 120009 confusing array of offers, it's easy to get sidetracked byrepparttar 120010 constant fear of not catching repparttar 120011 "next wave."

There is always new technology onrepparttar 120012 horizon. RSS feeds, XML, SmartPages andrepparttar 120013 never ending stream of things allrepparttar 120014 marketers say you can't live without; it's enough to scarerepparttar 120015 daylights out of you! Nobody wants to be overtaken by technology they know nothing about!

Of course, one ofrepparttar 120016 greatest - and most effective - tools Internet marketers use isrepparttar 120017 fear of being left behind. Experienced Internet Marketers will plantrepparttar 120018 not-so-subtle seed of fear to get you to reach forrepparttar 120019 wallet

All those things conspire to create an atmosphere of uncertainty in most individuals, with good cause! Just reading my email make's me feel so hopelessly inadequate! Likerepparttar 120020 rest ofrepparttar 120021 Internet got away from me while I was fooling around with "basic concepts."

Withrepparttar 120022 constant assault of thinly veiled fear and intimidation reaching your inbox, how inrepparttar 120023 world should you map a course of action? I mean, it seems likerepparttar 120024 web changes overnight, while you sleep!

Allrepparttar 120025 above fears - manipulated by skillful operators - resulted in one ofrepparttar 120026 greatest predatory feeding frenzies that led torepparttar 120027 DotCom bust of 2000. Many Venture Capitalist and a slew of others lost gazillions of dollars.

They invested in a technology they didn't understand and believedrepparttar 120028 Internet represented a new business model. The liars, thieves and scoundrels took full advantage and soaked anybody with capital that simply wanted a piece of Internet action! Ouch!

The sad thing is that very same mentality survived alive and well and is into Internet Marketing! Yes,repparttar 120029 same predatory politics of fear and intimidation are at work here with us, today!

If seasoned, well groomed investors lost their shirts, it should come as a warning to others: Yes, Long Time Tested Business Principles Apply To Any Business, Web or brick and mortar!

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