If you love me...

Written by Adeyemi Adetosoye

Continued from page 1

Parents, who enforce rules, in love for their growing kids, expect those kids to obeyrepparttar rules, or else; similarly, when dealing with adults, mutual respect and admiration can only be realized, whenrepparttar 110865 two parties respectrepparttar 110866 commandments of each other. Since they must have very similar likes inrepparttar 110867 first instance, to be able to go together, recognizingrepparttar 110868 grey areas and communicating these effectively, early on inrepparttar 110869 relationship will guide that true love is found. Adherence or not to this will be a red flag, which may point to chauvinism.

In future articles, I will dwell onrepparttar 110870 differences between love and being in love and testing for true love; core areas which are often confusing inrepparttar 110871 complex mix of male-female relations. ************************************************************************ Knowledge is NOT power; it is only empowering….The Application of Knowledge IS power. ************************************************************************

Christopher Adeyemi Adetosoye is author of A Man’s Guide to Finding True Love and A Woman’s Guide to Finding True Love, E-books, which are currently available at http://www.trueloveguide.com

To love or to be in love

Written by Adeyemi Adetosoye

Continued from page 1

Now, torepparttar crux: What isrepparttar 110864 difference between being in love and not being in love? It isrepparttar 110865 butterflies! When a relationship is still young, and both parties are starry-eyed about each other, they believe they are in love. They feelrepparttar 110866 butterflies. But true love must be tested, time and again.

Love that tests true to diverse storms and passesrepparttar 110867 true love tests may not feelrepparttar 110868 butterflies and starry-eyed-ness ofrepparttar 110869 young hot couple next door, who can’t take their eyes or hands off each other. When a relationship which goes through stormy times (this is a must for every relationship) and still endures, it means thatrepparttar 110870 butterflies still persist. The other person still gives you a reason to hold on; still has that something;repparttar 110871 fire,repparttar 110872 smile,repparttar 110873 look in their eyes,repparttar 110874 personality,repparttar 110875 charm to make you still hold on, despite allrepparttar 110876 ups and downs. At this level, you know that you love that person truly.

But what aboutrepparttar 110877 others that are really sweet and loveable people? Sure, they exist; we definitely do know them. These are people we do love, but not withrepparttar 110878 same intensity. Yes, we will miss them in our lives, if it comes down to it; yes, we will miss them like we will miss an old friend or colleague or a really dear one. This isrepparttar 110879 love we have for our family members but may not quite makerepparttar 110880 grade, when it comes to a life partner. The love you have for someone you want to make your life partner needs to be stronger than filial love, because you want to hang in there, for better or worse, till death do us part.

Understanding these core differences, immediately opens our eye of understanding to know exactly what emotions we feel and where we stand withrepparttar 110881 various loved ones in our lives.

************************************************************************ Knowledge is NOT power; it is only empowering….The Application of Knowledge IS power. ************************************************************************

Christopher Adeyemi Adetosoye is author of A Man’s Guide to Finding True Love and A Woman’s Guide to Finding True Love, E-books, which are currently available at http://www.trueloveguide.com

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