Hemorrhoids: A Pile of Misery

Written by T.H. Quah

Continued from page 1

The second degree - internal hemorrhoids protrude on defecation but returns spontaneously thereafter. Here,repparttar use of rubber band ligation could be used. The procedure consist of tyingrepparttar 115174 base of an internal hemorrhoid to cut off its circulation. About ten days later,repparttar 115175 hemorrhoids painlessly fall off.

The third degree piles are protrusion seen outsiderepparttar 115176 anus. Fourth degree piles are those irreducible and remain persistently prolapsed. For both of these types of piles, surgery is needed. You can expect a lot of pain and discomfort atrepparttar 115177 lower part ofrepparttar 115178 anal canal as hererepparttar 115179 skin is richly innervated with nerve fibers.

Now, there's an alternative to painful surgery with a procedure called 'Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy'. Here a cuff of rectal mucous membrane and hemorrhoidal tissue is excised aboverepparttar 115180 sensitive part ofrepparttar 115181 anal canal, using a stapling instrument. It does not leave a large or raw wound, hence less painful.

This procedure is more expensive but has become popular overrepparttar 115182 last three years. However, it cannot be performed on all cases of hemorrhoids such as external hemorrhoid and those with excessive skin tags.

Piles are preventable and symptoms can be controlled if managed at an early stage without resorting to medication or surgery. A diet high in fiber can prevent constipation and excessive straining associated with it. My advice is to start now, unless you want to accumulate "a pile of misery" any time soon!.

T.H. Quah is the webmaster of 1st-Hemorrhoids-Treatment.com. Your Guide to the best Hemorrhoids Info, Pictures, Prevention and Treatments. Our Solution provides total hemorrhoids elimination everytime. For more details go to http://www.1st-Hemorrhoids-Treatment.com

Discovering MSM.

Written by David Snape

Continued from page 1

MSM may be safe for consumption, but I don’t know thatrepparttar FDA has officially labeled it as safe for consumption as of yet. We do know that it is found naturally in foods such as coffee, tea, milk and eggs as well as green leafy vegetables. MSM does naturally occur inrepparttar 115173 body and it is not considered toxic and may be comparable to water in its toxicity. If you are concerned about dosages of MSM, refer torepparttar 115174 directions onrepparttar 115175 labeling and packaging that MSM comes in. I used to take 1,000 mg. two times a day, with no side affects. My experience with MSM was one of increased energy. That is, of course, a subjective experience, but it was very real to me. Another benefit to MSM is that it is supposed to make you recover faster from working out. It might do that by getting rid ofrepparttar 115176 waste products insiderepparttar 115177 muscle quicker, this allowsrepparttar 115178 soreness to disappear.

Get More Information To find out more from a truly worthy source, go to any technical library and readrepparttar 115179 patent research on MSM. There are actually several patents associated with MSM and I gained a great deal from takingrepparttar 115180 time to read them. This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or suggest treatment for any health condition. Please consult a health care professional if you have or suspect you have any health related item for proper diagnoses and treatment.

David Snape is a health, fitness and well-being enthusiast. He maintains a website on that theme at http://tobeinformed.com email @ david@tobeinformed.com

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