Hemorrhoids: A Pile of Misery

Written by T.H. Quah

Hemorrhoids: A Pile of Misery

Copyright © 2004, T.H. Quah http://www.1st-Hemorrhoids-Treatment.com

Hemorrhoid or Piles (in layman's term) isrepparttar most common problem afflictingrepparttar 115174 anal canal.

It is estimated that one in four adults is affected by it. If you've experienced painless anal bleeding and itching, painful swelling or lump nearrepparttar 115175 anus, burning sensation or pain during or after bowel movements - then you probably have hemorrhoids or piles. However, not many people know much about repparttar 115176 disease.

Piles come about whenrepparttar 115177 hemorrhoidal tissues enlarge as a result of excessive straining or pressure while passing stool. These could develop fromrepparttar 115178 type of lifestyle and dietary habits ofrepparttar 115179 individual. Occupations that involve prolonged sitting (example truck drivers) or standing could develop piles. Other factors like obesity, pregnancy during childbirth, heredity or even certain habits like reading inrepparttar 115180 toilet can cause hemorrhoids too.

There are basically two types of piles: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoid cause painless bleeding. Occasionally, straining can push an internal pile throughrepparttar 115181 anal opening, giving rise to prolapsed hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids are lumps outsiderepparttar 115182 anus. It can swell or become thrombosis causing pain and bleeding. Usually with bright red colored blood.

When it comes to treatment, we have to considerrepparttar 115183 degree ofrepparttar 115184 hemorrhoids. And there are basically four degrees.

The first degree - internal hemorrhoids that bleed with defecation but not prolapsed. The treatment of medication such as cream or ointment is often sufficient.

Discovering MSM.

Written by David Snape

Discovering MSM.

MSM is a wonderful supplement with a low toxicity rating that naturally occurs inrepparttar body and targets a host of issues. Some ofrepparttar 115173 problems it may help with include hair, skin, nails, muscle fatigue, allergies and scar tissue trouble. I have also heard of people with cancer utilizingrepparttar 115174 supplement. Once upon a time, there was a big craze about DSMO and how it helped arthritis sufferers. It has been observed thatrepparttar 115175 solvent DSMO converts to MSM when it hitsrepparttar 115176 blood stream. Taking MSM may be equivalent to using DSMO but withoutrepparttar 115177 side effects and problems that come with utilizing an industrial grade solvent.

What Does it Do? Some ofrepparttar 115178 patents I read on MSM suggest that MSM basically suppliesrepparttar 115179 body with a usable form of sulfur, which can be used to repair connective tissues, aid in joint problems and potentially energize a system that pulls allergens out of our bodies. Studies have been conducted on MSM that seem to indicate that there has been a benefit to animals with joint problems. Scar Tissue If you have significant scarring, MSM may help to reducerepparttar 115180 visible scarring. It may help to giverepparttar 115181 skinrepparttar 115182 sulfur it needs to help in restructuring; it may also help in preventing scars. So if you have a burn or jagged cut, it might be helpful to take MSM duringrepparttar 115183 healing process. The sulfur is useful inrepparttar 115184 process that is used to build skin; one theory is that if there isn’t enough sulfur availablerepparttar 115185 process is modified resulting in scar tissue. Hence, if you have enough sulfur, you could avoid scarring as tissue regrows, according to that theory. The Best Part of DSMO Rememberrepparttar 115186 craze about DSMO a few years back? It was widely used for arthritis and joint problems. DSMO is a solvent and has some potential side affects. In addition, it doesn't smell good and you have to wait for it to dry. It is an industrial grade solvent, so it is not very practical to use. Research has shown that DSMO is converted into MSM when it touchesrepparttar 115187 blood stream. With MSM, you can getrepparttar 115188 benefits of DSMO withoutrepparttar 115189 potential side effects and problems. Usable Form of Sulfur How does MSM work? It provides a usable form of sulfur torepparttar 115190 body, which is beneficial in a variety of different ways. Inrepparttar 115191 case of allergies, there is a protein in your body that is used for removing allergens and free radicals and "junk" from your system. If there is not enough sulfur in your body, this great system is inhibited from working in an effective manner. Give your body a usable form of sulfur and this system becomes much more effective. Safe for Consumption?

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