3 Ways to Find Your Niche as a Freelance Writer

Written by Nick Usborne

Continued from page 1

My specialty, my niche, was as a direct response copywriter. Other writers have built their careers around writing annual reports, radio scripts, white papers etc.

3. 'Double-Niche'

When you double-niche you are making a specialty of serving a single industry through a single medium. For instance, writing direct response forrepparttar financial industry. And ONLY writing direct response forrepparttar 116407 financial industry.

In conclusion...

As I said atrepparttar 116408 beginning, you can't be an expert at everything...not within every industry, not with every medium. So you need to take some steps to find your niche.

How do you choose? First, know yourself. Know what you are good at. Know what you like.

Also, be smart. Create your niche whererepparttar 116409 money is. Find your niche where there is a strong market.

And be smart aboutrepparttar 116410 size of your niche. Don't go so narrow that you're forever starved of work. Don't go so broad that people view you as a Jack or Jill of all trades, a generalist.

Nick Usborne is a freelance writer, author and speaker. For more articles and resources on making money as a freelance writer, visit his site, www.FreelanceWritingSuccess.com.

3 Ways To Cope With "Information Overload

Written by Jim Edwards

Continued from page 1

Next, if you do want to go off on a sidetrack away from your original purpose, set a time limit.

Kind of like recess in kindergarten, give yourself a set amount of time to run free, but then get back inrepparttar classroom and get back to business atrepparttar 116406 appointed time.

Typically, I give myself anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes to roam, but only if I think it will bear fruit for my purpose inrepparttar 116407 end.

I also force myself to honestly answerrepparttar 116408 question, "Does this really fit with my purpose for being online right now?"

If not, then I goof off for about 5 minutes and then write downrepparttar 116409 idea, website, or topic that distracted me and leave it for future investigation.

Byrepparttar 116410 way, a simple egg timer also works great for this.

Finally, if you ever find yourself online without a purpose, but can't seem to stop surfing, searching, or clickingrepparttar 116411 "send/receive" button on email, simply get up from your computer and walk away for a few minutes to clear your head.

Often this representsrepparttar 116412 fastest way to stop yourself wasting countless hours in meaningless activity online.

Bottom line, implementing these simple strategies for dealing with information overload online now will pay huge dividends in peace of mind and time savings inrepparttar 116413 future.

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Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use fr^e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links... http://the-easy-way.com/traffic.html

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