10 Hypnotic Persuaders That Sell Like Crazy!

Written by Larry Dotson

1. Most people want to win over others. Tell your prospects how their family or friends will admire them if they buy your product.

2. Most people want to associate with others that haverepparttar same interests. Give your prospects a free membership in a private chat room just for them.

3. Most people want a clean environment. Tell your prospects that you'll donate a percentage of your profits to help cleanrepparttar 121549 environment.

4. Most people want to eat good food. Give your customers free coupons to a nice restaurant when they purchase your product.

5. Most people need or want new information to absorb. Give your customers a free ebook or tip sheet when they purchase your product.

6. Most people want to avoid or end pain. Tell your prospects how much pain and problems they will avoid or end if they buy your product.

Why Internet Marketing Resembles Frogs

Written by Joe Bingham

If there is one thing I love about Internet marketing, it'srepparttar challenge. No, I don't meanrepparttar 121548 challenge of making money, although that's fun, too.

I'm talking about little challenges we all throw up to each other. I mean, let's face it. Any Internet marketer that's worth his or her salt and pepper will always, eventually, find a way to invite everyone they meet up with to look into their particular opportunity. That's a good thing, usually, because that's our business, spreadingrepparttar 121549 word.

However, what happens when one Internet marketer meets up with another?

Ha, ha! The challenge!


Round One : Who can spit it out faster!

Being respectful of others and yet still findingrepparttar 121550 opportunity to ask others to look at your business is always challenging. I mean, you can't just scan quickly through what others say to you and then come back with, "Yeah, that's nice. Now, look at this amazing opportunity!"

That's just plain rude and not going to get you anywhere.

No, a good networker looks for opportunities to inform others of what they are doing and what they believe in about their business based on whatrepparttar 121551 other person says. Still, it's a challenge to turn conversations to where you are talking more about your opportunity thanrepparttar 121552 other persons, and let's face it, that's what we are all trying to do.

Round Two: Mine is better!

At times,repparttar 121553 conversation turns more heated. That's not necessarily bad, it just happens. In those conversations, however, it inevitably comes down to a "See, mine is better!" type of contest. We all start throwing benefits and potential incomes at each other like poison darts, trying to score a concession.

I'm not sure this gains anyone any ground, but nevertheless at times it takes place.

Round Three: How mine will benefit yours!

A smart networker, however, will not compare straight across and start and argument. Instead, it's better to describe how your particular opportunity or service will be beneficial to whatrepparttar 121554 person you are talking to is already involved with. In that way, you CAN talk aboutrepparttar 121555 other person's business, just keep relating how yours is complimentary to it and can help improve their results.


Now, there are a few different resolutions to these little clashes between networkers.

Resolution One: Auto responder war.

At times people end up with each other's auto responders doing allrepparttar 121556 battling for them. One auto responder sends to another which gets an auto response back which creates another auto response, and so on. Normally, this accomplishes nothing. However, there may berepparttar 121557 odd chance that as each person's message registers onrepparttar 121558 other person's auto responder, there might at some point be human eyes that actually see one ofrepparttar 121559 sent messages. This, of course, depends on howrepparttar 121560 auto responders in question work.

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