understanding the danger of tanning beds

Written by Guido W. Stiehle

When it comes to getting a tan in a tanning bed, there is much controversy. For starters, people acrossrepparttar country have been building golden tans for several decades. While a tanned body is attractive,repparttar 149699 problem is that there are also many tanning bed dangers, some that people know of and some that are hidden. Today, tanning salons account for a $5 billion a year industry that just keeps on growing.

If you were to look at commercials, magazine advertisements, and many high society people, you see toned and tanned bodies. However, all of this is merely portraying a false sense of health and beauty. In truth, tanning beds are very dangerous, causing burns, suppression of immune systems, damage torepparttar 149700 cornea, cosmetic and drug-induced photosensitivity, and a higher risk of developing melanoma cancer.

Because there are no laws governingrepparttar 149701 use of tanning beds, people are free to use them as long and as often as they like. Keep in mind thatrepparttar 149702 majority of tanning salons do have restrictions about usage but these are rules set up byrepparttar 149703 salon, notrepparttar 149704 government. Sadly, we see teenagers having restrictions on them for smoking cigarettes, which cause cancer, yetrepparttar 149705 tanning bed that has also been proven to increaserepparttar 149706 risk of cancer has no such structure.

The bottom line is that every person interested in developing a tan via indoor tanning needs to have a full understanding of tanning bed dangers so they can make educated and safe choices. For example, most tanning beds release very high and dangerous levels of ultraviolet radiation, which has been shown through massive testing to cause premature aging while increasingrepparttar 149707 risk of skin cancer.

Nevada School of Pharmacy: Jobs And Respect, Right Out of School

Written by Anna Henningsgaard

By now you must have heard onrepparttar news how, as an entire generation of baby boomers ages, job opportunities in medical fields has exploded. Perhaps you have even considered going to school and gainingrepparttar 149571 skills to acquire an awesome job inrepparttar 149572 healthcare industry. If you’re looking into these options, I hope you’re also considering training to be a pharmacist. The demand for trained pharmacy professionals is increasing even more dramatically thanrepparttar 149573 demand for doctors and nurses. Atrepparttar 149574 same time, pharmacists are becoming more actively involved inrepparttar 149575 health care process as advisors in drug therapy decisions. Pharmacists get to work closely with people as well as stay onrepparttar 149576 cutting edge of new science and technology.

Pharmacists work in all kinds of professional settings. Most pharmacists work in community pharmacies, filling prescriptions and providing counseling to patients onrepparttar 149577 use of overrepparttar 149578 counter medications. Pharmacists also work in other health care environments including hospitals, nursing homes, managed care organizations,repparttar 149579 pharmaceutical industry, colleges and schools, andrepparttar 149580 federal government. In all of these different areas, pharmacists play key leadership roles and hold positions of high importance and esteem. According to a 2003 poll, a majority of Americans rated pharmacists as having very high honesty and ethics. This reflectsrepparttar 149581 great respect Americans hold forrepparttar 149582 pharmacists who care for them.

A licensed pharmacist can generally work in any state inrepparttar 149583 US, although some states require additional tests to transfer licensure between states. Pharmacists can often name their own work hours and can work part-time or during non-traditional times if they want. Because there is such a shortage of pharmacists, pharmacy students usually receive multiple job offers before they even graduate.

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