the truth about omega 3

Written by jane stewart

Since Dr Basant Puri, a consultant psychiatrist and senior lecturer at London's Imperial College MRI unit, released his findings on Omega 3 and its effect on brain function and depression, many studies have been performed regardingrepparttar beneficial effects of this fatty acid. Studies overrepparttar 138499 past two years have consistently confirmed that Omega 3, a substance lacking in today’s “diet” is a key component inrepparttar 138500 brain’s development and proper functioning.

The notion that Omega 3 was linked to depression and other mental illnesses came about based on studies conducted at Harvard University in 1999 on people with bipolar and a 1996 study byrepparttar 138501 Journal ofrepparttar 138502 American Medical Association studyingrepparttar 138503 prevalence of depression across ten countries. The Harvard study found that fish oil was an effective treatment for bipolar. The study conducted byrepparttar 138504 Journal ofrepparttar 138505 American Medical Association was expanded upon in 1998 when it was discovered that depression was lower in countries that consumed higher levels of fish.

Omega 3 As Part Of A Healthy Diet

Omega 3 is a substance found most commonly in fatty fish such as fresh salmon, tuna, mackerel, pilchards and sardines. Overrepparttar 138506 last 100 yearsrepparttar 138507 western diet has shifted radically to include far less fish and thusrepparttar 138508 Omega 3 fatty acid. Duringrepparttar 138509 same time depression is estimated to have increased up to 100 fold.

To maintain ideal health,repparttar 138510 average person should consume five grams daily of essential fatty acids (divided between Omega 3 and Omega 6). As this is not likely to change at any point inrepparttar 138511 near future some recommendations have been laid out for those who choose to take Omega 3 supplements. These recommendations will be listed further below inrepparttar 138512 section titled, “Omega 3 Supplements”.

Omega 3 And The Brain

Whilerepparttar 138513 benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids can be noticed on many levels,repparttar 138514 biggest breakthroughs documented have occurred in improved mental functions and health. Omega 3 has been reported to be effective inrepparttar 138515 treatment of depression. Numerous studies have indicated that during double-blind tests, patients suffering from depression who take Omega 3 over a placebo report significant benefits.

Similar results have been reported inrepparttar 138516 treatment of bipolar and schizophrenia. There are theories that Omega 3 could be used to treat other mental conditions such as attention deficit disorder, borderline personality disorder, dyslexia and cognitive impairment however atrepparttar 138517 time of this writing these beliefs are unsubstantiated by anything more than preliminary data.

Omega 3 And The Body

The main reported benefits of Omega 3 forrepparttar 138518 body occur inrepparttar 138519 heart. The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish at least twice per week in order to reducerepparttar 138520 likelihood of heart disease.

Bell's Palsy: Managing to Save Face

Written by Gary Cordingley

What could be more central to our sense of self than our faces? So imagine what it would be like to watch powerlessly while half your face progressively droops like melted wax. That's what happens in Bell's palsy.

Bell's palsy is a condition causing weakness or even total paralysis ofrepparttar muscles on one side ofrepparttar 138484 face, typically developing over 3-72 hours. It can occur at any age and affectsrepparttar 138485 genders about equally. People with diabetes and depressed immune systems are at increased risk of having this condition, as are women inrepparttar 138486 third trimester of pregnancy. Bell's palsy affects about 11 out of 1000 people sometime during their lives.

The problem lies withinrepparttar 138487 facial nerve, also known asrepparttar 138488 seventh cranial nerve. The nerve is like a telephone-cable and contains thousands of individual nerve-fibers. There are two facial nerves, one for each side ofrepparttar 138489 face, and by farrepparttar 138490 most common pattern is that one side ofrepparttar 138491 face is affected and notrepparttar 138492 other.

The facial nerve ultimately connectsrepparttar 138493 brainstem (junction betweenrepparttar 138494 upper brain and spinal cord located atrepparttar 138495 base ofrepparttar 138496 skull) torepparttar 138497 muscles ofrepparttar 138498 face. Alongrepparttar 138499 way it travels through a narrow canal inrepparttar 138500 skull bone. After exiting this canal nearrepparttar 138501 bottom ofrepparttar 138502 ear it divides into thousands of tiny branches before reachingrepparttar 138503 facial muscles.

In Bell's palsyrepparttar 138504 portion ofrepparttar 138505 nerve withinrepparttar 138506 skull's bony canal becomes inflamed for unclear reasons, though an infection with herpes simplex virus (the same virus that causes cold sores) is suspected in most cases. The condition is not contagious.

Becauserepparttar 138507 bony canal is rigid and narrow,repparttar 138508 swollen nerve-bundle has little room to expand, and compression ofrepparttar 138509 nerve-fibers can further injure them and cause more loss of muscle function. MRI scans ofrepparttar 138510 head can detectrepparttar 138511 inflammation, but only if gadolinium (the MRI-equivalent of x-ray dye) is infused into a vein prior to scanning.

The weakness inrepparttar 138512 lower facial muscles produces a lop-sided smile. Patients sometimes mis-identifyrepparttar 138513 side of their face that is affected: they focus onrepparttar 138514 side ofrepparttar 138515 face that is "drawn" rather than onrepparttar 138516 side that lacksrepparttar 138517 ability to draw. Weakness inrepparttar 138518 lower face also interferes with talking, eating and drinking, and beverages can dribble fromrepparttar 138519 corner ofrepparttar 138520 mouth. Weakness ofrepparttar 138521 upper face causes flattening of forehead-wrinkles and inability to raise an eyebrow.

Butrepparttar 138522 most significant problem is weakness inrepparttar 138523 muscles that closerepparttar 138524 eye, including those involved in blinking. Blinking—like other things we take for granted until they're gone—is an underappreciated but important activity that cleanses and moistensrepparttar 138525 front ofrepparttar 138526 eyeball. So people with Bell's palsy experience dryness and irritation ofrepparttar 138527 eye onrepparttar 138528 side ofrepparttar 138529 weakness. As a result, they try to blink even more frequently, but end up blinkingrepparttar 138530 unaffected eye more thanrepparttar 138531 eye that really needs it.

Other symptoms include pain in or behind an ear in about halfrepparttar 138532 cases. Pain usually fades withinrepparttar 138533 first 1-2 weeks ofrepparttar 138534 illness. Because branches ofrepparttar 138535 facial nerve modifyrepparttar 138536 senses of hearing and taste, patients can also notice excessive loudness of sounds, and foods might not taste as they should.

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