the man who could not say sorry for his sins

Written by malcolm james pugh

Sorry would be a start.

Though you cant take back your mistakes, and you cant unravel time, youd think there would be remorse, for such a self serving crime, to send others out to die, to payrepparttar blood price you have decreed, when its purely posturing and posing, all about vanity and greed, to secure a perceived niche in history, glowing downrepparttar 138877 years, isrepparttar 138878 extent of your ambition, isrepparttar 138879 puny limit of your fears, when those you have sent to die, believing implicitly in you, leave relatives behind who see, that nothing you said was true, there is no thought now for those, whose number you dont count,

Focused Content Still "King" Online

Written by Jim Edwards

Ever notice how some websites grab your attention and hold if for hours, even torepparttar point where you must consciously drag yourself away fromrepparttar 138795 monitor?

In an age when websites truly rate a "dime a dozen," discovering a really great website feels more like finding a $10 bill onrepparttar 138796 sidewalk than merely surfingrepparttar 138797 Internet.

Whether their creators did it on purpose or not, virtually all successful websites sharerepparttar 138798 following characteristics:

First, every good website focuses on a specific, narrow, "niche" audience.

Imaginerepparttar 138799 difference between a light bulb and a laser beam.

Both provide light, butrepparttar 138800 laser focuses its light with pinpoint precision, whilerepparttar 138801 light bulb diffuses its light in every direction.

In other words, successful websites don't try to sell cooking supplies to people interested inrepparttar 138802 latest fishing or hunting equipment.

They specifically provide content on exact topics of interest to their target audience, instead of trying to offer all things to all people.

Second, withrepparttar 138803 exception of personal, family, or hobby websites, every website operates withrepparttar 138804 ultimate purpose of turning a profit.

Unfortunately many websites make this their only purpose and, thus, fail miserably in their attempts to succeed online.

We saw how blatantly greedy, self-centered websites failed inrepparttar 138805 "dot-bomb" era... and it got ugly.

Onrepparttar 138806 other hand, successful websites make money as a result of providing products, services, and information of obvious value for their targeted visitors.

They win by puttingrepparttar 138807 needs and desires ofrepparttar 138808 visitors first and get rewarded inrepparttar 138809 process.

Next, virtually every good website shares something in common with successful newspapers and magazines: great headlines!

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