promote me now!Written by Wilson Davalos
The key to having people visit your site is for them to know that your sites exist. For a potential customer to know that your site exist you have to let them know about your website. So here are a few key principles that will help you to boost your daily traffic.Link exchanges: This is a fast way to increase your daily visitors. You should take advantage of joining one of these link exchange websites. The key to winning with this type of marketing is to pick sites that compliment your target market and vice versa. As an example if I had a local real estate market website I would want to look for services that would be of interest to my visitors, such as local movers, dentist, restaurants etc. By doing this your website will also compliment their website. Business cards: You can use business cards as your own personal tiny billboard. Be sure to have your web address and slogan on it. I use my business cards everywhere I go. When tipping at a restaurant I always write a small thank you note on back of my card. This serves two purposes you have given an acknowledgement of their services and you have promoted your website. Opt-in e-mail marketing: In my option can spam regulations actually helped to make e-mail marketing even stronger. When news came out that this new regulations would be put in place to control unsolicited e-mails, many e-mail marketers where worried. As it has turned out it has helped everyone by only sending e-mails to interested prospects. Find opt-in e-mail marketing companies and see what they have to offer. You will be able to pick you target audience and send them html enabled e-mails. Most companies will give you stats on your campaigns, you will be able to see how many people actually opened and clicked on your e-mail. This is a great tool because you can tweak your ad to see what gives you best results.
| | How to Achieve a Perfect Color SchemeWritten by Maricon Williams
Your choice of colors reflects you and your business. Color expresses intention, emotion and character. You must be cautious when choosing your color scheme because it will reflect message you want to convey to viewers. Wrong choice of same may spell danger and loss on your part. Color plays a pivotal role in a website's impact, thus, it must be considered warily. There is a way to have an effective – actually a perfect color scheme. You can use Adobe PhotoShop however, this technique is also compatible with any graphic creation or editing program that has ability to open an image file. The first step is to find an image. You can search anywhere – especially on web where you can find visually appealing colors. Do not be bothered by copyright because you will not be copying any part of it. If you’re perplexed if it is design or color that makes it attractive, blur image in your imagination. If color remained appealing, use it. The second step is to save original image and open it in your image editing application. After that, you open a new document in same work area. We will call it palette image. From original image, establish color that occupies most of area. Use eyedropper tool to get that color. Use paint bucket tool in your palette image to set it as a background color.