------------------------------ What is network marketing? ------------------------------ Network marketing or MLM shouldn't be confused with pyramid selling. It is literally marketing products through a network of people. This form of distribution is word of mouth or recommendation.
It's an intellectual form of distribution as unlike retailing
distributors are often very knowledgeable on
Large businesses can be built by sponsoring people and teaching them to sponsor. MLM means multi level marketing and refers to
different levels of compensation provided by
1990's more than 100 billion dollars worth of products were being distributed through Multi level marketing, and that figure is growing rapidly.
You don't need to sell with MLM. Although
business depends on
distribution of
products, by sponsoring people to buy wholesale and teaching them to sponsor,the products are moving as a direct result.
----------------------------------------------- why network marketing is becoming so popular ------------------------------------------------
It used to be that people got a job, and probably stayed in that company for life working their way up to
top positions of
Nowdays people feel more insecure in their jobs and worry about being made redundant. With inflation and
rising cost of living, pensions don't go very far.
Network marketing provides an opportunity to create a residual income for life. It can be fitted in around a full time job, and requires no qualifications. There's no discrimination against age or sex, and there is
potential for financial freedom.
Usually there is a minimal start up fee, and with no need to stock up on goods this makes it a no risk investment. The only real investment is your time and perseverance to make it work.
MLM has enormous potential especially now as with
internet you are no longer geographically limited. More and more people are choosing to purchase online.
Products are usually of a high quality as money isn't spent on advertising or packaging. Instead money is put into
products themselves.
------------------------------------------------ Secrets to finding success in network marketing ------------------------------------------------ Although you work on your own you don't work alone. You always have your sponsor and upline to call on if you need help.
Before you start any business you must have a plan. Sit down and work out a plan of action on paper. Get your sponsor to help you do this.
Set yourself long term goals. How do you see yourself in 5 years time? Where would you like to live? What car would you like to drive?