hope is available to us

Written by daniel nzenwata

This night was a drizzly one. I am awake, sitting on my bed and thinking. Sleep had refused to come to me, and my rational self-was demanding an explanation. I am wishing there is someone I can talk to,but inrepparttar absence of anyone; I try to talk to myself but my voice is a mixture of revulsion and amazement.

All day long, my mind had turned to a creative artist busy painting a picture ofrepparttar 101251 agonies ofrepparttar 101252 common man in my country. And as I begin to ponder on whyrepparttar 101253 common man is been subjugated torepparttar 101254 whims and caprices of those he had chosen to lead him. I also wonder why his resistance to these people who have put on selfenrichment as a breastplate and an helmet of greed on their heads has been so feeble. Atrepparttar 101255 thought of his resignation to fate,I feel pains slashing at my heart.

I move over torepparttar 101256 center of my bedroom, from this position I move my neck to and fro as if I am searching for that season whenrepparttar 101257 common man had a reason that gave birth to a curiosity on his part as to what was onrepparttar 101258 top of and what lied onrepparttar 101259 other side ofrepparttar 101260 mountain. When his determination was his sable vehicle of courage.

I walk over torepparttar 101261 table beside my window and I pick up a picture. I look at it and memories come flooding back to me. The picture is a snapshot of a time when he had a driving urge to search for that beacon like light that he knew with all certainty would bring him delight.

Once upon a time,repparttar 101262 motion of living was so mild, now everything has becomerepparttar 101263 aversion of something else.The truth has been left behind inrepparttar 101264 street and honesty is turned backwards.Those chosen to leadrepparttar 101265 common man have put onrepparttar 101266 garmet of corruption to cover up their ugly nakedness,thus makingrepparttar 101267 motion of surviving to suddenly become so wild. He has been left with a gaping void inrepparttar 101268 fabric of his live and almost unendurable senses of know nothing.

I layrepparttar 101269 picture to rest onrepparttar 101270 table,I touch my face forrepparttar 101271 tear that is about to stream down my cheeks and my stomach becomes filled with bubbles of dissapointment. A dissapoinment that speaks of their inconsiderate actions and non chalant reactions torepparttar 101272 common man's survivability. It is such a precarious situation, what he is going through in his attempt to stay afloat on a rampaging sea. He is striving to reachrepparttar 101273 shore by struggling to hold on to a piece of log to overcomerepparttar 101274 tide. It looks like he is pissing in a net.

A Year's Worth of Character Training to Last a Lifetime

Written by Kate Hufstetler

Ever wonder why some kids arerepparttar way they are? Ever wonder why some kids seem to lackrepparttar 101250 basics in true inner character? Well, just exactly how did we think children would ever get character – without being taught character. Long gone arerepparttar 101251 days when whole communities worship weekly. Long gone arerepparttar 101252 days when everyone in our small societal circles subscribe torepparttar 101253 same exacting morals and principles to guide life and living.

I remember when my son was young we made a move to a new state. We left behind a community within a community. We left behind a large group of people (friends and neighbors) that subscribed to similar ethics and standards of behavior. Everyone we knew, predominantly, up-heldrepparttar 101254 same guiding principles that our family lived by. Then that ever fateful day. It was duringrepparttar 101255 first week at his new preschool & playing with his new neighborhood friends in our new state. My son walked inrepparttar 101256 house and I made a simple statement “because that is how we do it.” To which my son replied “well, Mike’s family doesn’t do it that way and they don’t even care about that stuff.” UGH ! We had come to another milestone in parenting: awareness of diversity within family styles and values.

The reality is that kids DO learn through osmosis; meaning, they will assimilate and become what they see around them. However, what is it that they see around them? Aside from home-schooled children (or those that attend private academies) children today are away from their families up to 12 hours a day in some cases including before and after school care. Being gone either 8 hours or 12 hours a day leaves precious little time for a family to model allrepparttar 101257 appropriate qualities they wish to instill within their children. Not to mention, these hours are relegated to EARLY morning hours (barely awake time) and late evening before bed hours (barely coherent time again).

Over a lifetime our children will spendrepparttar 101258 majority of their time away from us. They will be witnesses to their friends, their friend’s families, movies, worship communities, television shows, video games, scouting troops, music, sports teams, camps & conferences, etc. There will be an excess of information coming into your child’s awareness and all of it leading to who your child becomes.

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