h Webmaster, What Have You Got Yourself Into!?

Written by Ruth Marlene Friesen

When you first try to design a small web site you don't realize what you are getting yourself into. Unless you have specific web design training, I bet you were not fore-warned. Let me brace you.

Learning and rememberingrepparttar HTML codes is easy compared to what comes after your site is up.

1. Checking your links

Besides uploading your pages and making surerepparttar 131999 links work, you need to schedule regular checking or else get someone else (usually for a fee) to notify you if they need to be fixed.

2. Fixing your links

Most ofrepparttar 132000 time fixing links is simple. Sometimes something has gone wrong, and you need to ask help you sort outrepparttar 132001 mess. Desperate to have your business pages functional as quick as possible, you may stay up late to re-build an HTML section or several pages.

3. Submitting to search engines

This is how you announce torepparttar 132002 cyber world you exist. but often you must re-submit again every month, and you'll continually find other engines and directories. When you revamp your site, you must start all over again.

4. Writing ads and posting them

This is marketing, and if you are on a shoestring you will need to do all this yourself. Daily and weekly, over and over. This aspect of a website alone could keep you busy most of your time.

5. Tracking ads

So you only spend time and money where advertising is most effective, you will need to track or use software to track your ads. This can be automated, but it takes time to learn to set up.

6. Creating banners; putting up affiliate banners

Something fun to learn; sooner or later you will want to exchange banners for more advertising, or sign up to refer people to an affiliate or 3 - or more!

7. Adding content or new products

People won't come back to your site if nothing new appears or happens there. Therefore, you'll add more and more content, or write new ebooks, or create other products. Like when?!

Web Site Maintenance Made Easy

Written by Steve Wood

Anyone who has maintained a web site with many pages for an extended period of time knowsrepparttar nightmare of having to edit a word or date that recurs on each page, such as copyright information. Having to edit every single page can be very time-consuming and tedious and often gets avoided for as long as possible (usually too long). But it doesn't have to be that way. By using simple Server Side Includes (SSI), you can streamline and simplifyrepparttar 131997 maintenance of your site.

SSI can be used to accomplish a variety of things on your web site including running CGI scripts and postingrepparttar 131998 results onrepparttar 131999 web page, postingrepparttar 132000 current time and date onrepparttar 132001 page, postingrepparttar 132002 date ofrepparttar 132003 last update, etc. However, I will not get intorepparttar 132004 technical details of how SSI works orrepparttar 132005 more advanced functions. In this article, I'll discussrepparttar 132006 simplest use of SSI,repparttar 132007 "Include" command. Before you can implement this SSI strategy, make sure you know whether your web site host allowsrepparttar 132008 use of SSI. If it doesn't, find a host that does.

The "Include" command allows you to create a text file with your common information, then place a directive in your HTML file that "points" torepparttar 132009 text file. When you viewrepparttar 132010 web page,repparttar 132011 server placesrepparttar 132012 contents ofrepparttar 132013 text file in whererepparttar 132014 directive is inrepparttar 132015 HTML file. You can use this trick for anything that recurs on each page of your website. For instance, you can put a header and footer on each page. The header and footer would be contained in text files called "header.txt" and "footer.txt". These files would containrepparttar 132016 html that recurs on each page, such as text links, contact information, copyright information, etc. In place of this html on each page, you would place these directives:

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