gomembers’ participates in Texas Society of Association Executives Meetings Industry Panel

Written by gomembers, Inc.

gomembers, Inc. (http://www.gomembers.com) makers ofrepparttar meetingtrak,repparttar 103922 industry leading meeting and event planning software, participated inrepparttar 103923 September 19, 2004 meeting ofrepparttar 103924 Texas Society of Association Executives (TSAE: http://www.tsae.org) atrepparttar 103925 Gaylord Texan Hotel in Dallas, Texas. This special Meetings Technology panel focused on new trends and changing technology, how it benefitsrepparttar 103926 Meetings industry, and ways to adapt it in their organizations.

“We are increasingly working in an Internet-driven market, andrepparttar 103927 meetingtrak and etrak products have stayed ahead ofrepparttar 103928 curve to help our customers keep pace withrepparttar 103929 demands ofrepparttar 103930 marketplace,” stated Bob Walters,repparttar 103931 gomembers’ panel expert. “Being able to harness new technology makesrepparttar 103932 job ofrepparttar 103933 professional meeting planner and organizer much less cumbersome, and allows them to radically improve services and delivery. A number ofrepparttar 103934 TSAE attendees were pleased to learn about recent technological advances inrepparttar 103935 meetings industry, and indicated a desire to utilizerepparttar 103936 new technology.”


gomembers, Inc. gomembers is a leading provider of software solutions for membership, meetings and management of member-based organizations. gomembers' software and technology enable its customers to automate a number of enterprise resource planning, member relationship management, transaction processing and member-to-member communications functions in a single software platform with seamless inter-processing of data across all applications.

Why Things Are The Way They Are

Written by Greg Reid

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asrepparttar bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated - send to: GregReid@AlwaysGood.com

Why Things Are The Way They Are Things arerepparttar 103921 way you think they are, because you think they are that way. An interesting statement I know, but let’s break it down a bit if you will, and see what this Really means.

When it’s all said and done, “things” do happen right? In fact there is a bumper sticker that I am sure you have all seen which had beenrepparttar 103922 National catch phrase that really summed it up in a more colorful manner....&#IT Happens! Remember that one?

Well, this got me to thinking...you know what? That sticker is right, life is going to throw us a few curve balls now and then. I believe that is simply a part of life itself. It’s not really a matter of If something challenging is going to come our way or not, but only when these things are going to arise. Now if this is an agreed upon statement, let’s continue down this road a bit more...

Since things are going to happen anyway, shouldn’t we maintainrepparttar 103923 most Positive solution searching attitude toward them for when they do? I mean, it beatsrepparttar 103924 alternative doesn’t it? And have you ever noticed that no matter how dreadedrepparttar 103925 situation seemed atrepparttar 103926 moment, over time it is realized that it wasn’t so horrible after all? I tend to refer to this as “mid-night thinking“, you know, when we lay awake inrepparttar 103927 middle ofrepparttar 103928 night worrying over every little thing, every little sound, every problem or situation that we possibly could, and then inrepparttar 103929 morning we realize that everything is fine and we laugh at ourselves, wondering whatrepparttar 103930 heck we were worrying about inrepparttar 103931 first place?

For, when daylight comes, or any light is cast upon our crisis, (like reality) it’s our Interpretation ofrepparttar 103932 experience, notrepparttar 103933 experience itself that determinesrepparttar 103934 emotions we attach to it. And even more importantly, it’s this reaction (the way in which we respond to adversity) that others determine our character as a person to others. What do I mean by this? Well, simple really...we learn more about someone's character on their bad day-when things go wrong, far more than we can learn about them while everything is going right. Let’s face it, it’s easy to be all happy and go-lucky when things are going your way, but it’s whenrepparttar 103935 chips are down that we learn what we need to most about who they really are as a person.

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