When looking for a merchant account provider, it is important to do a lot of research. You do not want to pay too much or sign up with a disreputable company. However, you do need to keep in mind that once you do sign up it could take up to a week for your application to be approved once it has been submitted. There are three main factors that you should consider when selecting a merchant account provider.
1. Price 2. Integrity 3. Customer Service
Price (Merchant Account Rates and Fees)
When shopping for a merchant account, it is important to understand all of
rates and fees that
merchant account provider charges.
You will typically be charged
following fees:
Monthly Fee - Normally around $25 US and could vary depending on whether you meet your minimum monthly transactions.
Discount Rate- Percentage taken from a sale that
merchant pays to cover
costs of
transactions and
risk involved. Usually 1.5 percent to 3.5 percent.
Transaction Fee - A flat fee charged for each transaction. Typically between $0.20 and $1.00 US per transaction.
Application Fee - The initial fee you are charged to open
merchant account. Many merchant account providers do not charge application fees.
Equipment and Installation - Software can range from $0 to $1200 US or more depending on whether you have batch or real-time processing. Costs for hardware (POS terminals) can range from $500 to $1,500+ depending on
model you purchase.
If you have current or projected sales data, you can forecast what your fees will be for different merchant account providers. Searchmerchants.com has done this for you with
top internet merchant account providers in their database. If you visit Searchmerchants.com, you may enter your monthly sales data to compare fees for their recommended providers.