become an opt-in marketing master

Written by Wilson Davalos

Opt-in e-mail marketing is a great way to truly target your market audience. It has one ofrepparttar lowest costs compared to traditional direct marketing methods, since you eliminate repparttar 134907 expense of printing, postage and so on. It can produce repparttar 134908 highest form of response than any other form of internet advertising.

Since you can truly target your core audiencerepparttar 134909 likely hood that your message will get across torepparttar 134910 right audience withrepparttar 134911 smallest effort, this alone should be a motivating factor in starting an e-mail campaign.

Since e-mail marketing is so fast you can develop time sensitive offers very quickly. You certainly will build traffic to your sites as customers receive more e-mails from you, and since you can target them so precisely you will develop your niche market very quickly.

One ofrepparttar 134912 strongest factors about opt-in marketing is that repparttar 134913 information that you are sending is information that they requested to receive. Also your messages can easily be forwarded to anyone thatrepparttar 134914 receiver thinks may be interested inrepparttar 134915 message, which means free marketing to your website and products.

Types of e-mail marketing list

opt-in: this is where a person registers and is asked to make selections on subjects that they are interested in receiving e-mails for. No confirmation e-mails are sent.

confirm opt-in: this is where a person registers and is asked to make selections on subjects that they are interested in receiving e-mails for. They will also receive an e-mail confirming their membership.

double opt-in: this is where a person registers and is asked to make selections on subjects that they are interested in receiving e-mails for. They will also receive an e-mail confirming their membership but they have to actually have to click on a link confirming that they want to join. Ifrepparttar 134916 link is not clicked on thenrepparttar 134917 membership will not be granted. In my option this is your best option sincerepparttar 134918 person basically has to confirm membership.

Holiday Promotion Tips

Written by Kara Kelso

Are you ready for Mother's Day? Yes I realize it's still a week or two away, but if you haven't started your Mother's Day promotions yet it might already be too late. I know of one company that has completely sold out of their big Easter product 3 weeks prior to Easter (yes completely sold out!). So if you haven't done so already, work up some Mother's Day promotions and start contacting your previous customers and lists.

Why promote Mother's (or any holiday for that matter) when it's still more than 2 or 3 weeks away? Why do you start seeing Halloween costumes for sale in September and Christmas decorations in October? There's several reasons, butrepparttar two biggest ones are:

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