.htaccess What Is A .htaccess How To

Written by Bill Holder

Why would you want to ban someone?, maybe someone was linking to your pictures (hotlinking), was stealing your content / pictures, abusive on your forum / message board, or a few rogue search engine spiders were roaming around your site. There are many reasons you may wish to prevent someone from accessing your site, and with .htaccess it's very easy, if you require help then this can be found on our forums here: http://forums.session9.co.uk/ or here: http://www.session9.co.uk/ This article maybe updated here: http://forums.session9.co.uk/showthread.php?t=76

Starting Cascading Style Sheets

Written by stephen cope

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are being used more and more by web designers to layout and format web pages. Although they have been around for several years now many designers have avoided them due to browser incompatibility.

Although compatibility problems still exist they are no longer an issue for most applications. Here I will concentrate here onrepparttar main features and how they work and why they are used.
You may find yourself using CSS anyway without you knowing as programs like FrontPage use CSS (depends on page setup options) for some of their functionality.

Styles Solve a Common Problem

HTML was originally designed to definerepparttar 140744 content of a document but notrepparttar 140745 document presentation/layout. The layout ofrepparttar 140746 document was supposed to be taken care of byrepparttar 140747 browser, without using any formatting tags. The content is defined by using tags like h1,

, table, which basically say "This is a header", "This is a paragraph", "This is a table", by using tags like and so on.

The principal browser vendors, Netscape and Microsoft, competed by adding support for new, proprietary tags (likerepparttar 140748 tag andrepparttar 140749 colour attribute) and technologies that permitted increasingly high-impact Web pages.
These innovations were good for spurringrepparttar 140750 development of Web technology, but they created problems as well.

Consequently it became more and more difficult to create Web sites whererepparttar 140751 content of HTML documents was clearly separated fromrepparttar 140752 document's presentation and that would be displayed correctly on any browser.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) -repparttar 140753 consortium responsible for standardizing HTML - created a language called Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS.CSS, unlike HTML, is designed solely to define appearance as efficiently as possible.

It can exist either within HTML or as a linked document, letting developers separate a Web page's content (marked up in HTML) from its presentation (defined by CSS). Both Netscape 4.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0 and later support Cascading Style Sheets.

Style sheets work like templates: you definerepparttar 140754 style for a particular HTML element once (e.g. header tag h1), and then use it over and over on any number of Web pages.

If you want to change how an element looks, you just changerepparttar 140755 style; repparttar 140756 element automatically changes wherever it appears. (Before CSS, you had to

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