What to Do When You Are Chased by a Snake

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

I lived for several years onrepparttar Japanese island of Okinawa. It is a tropical island setting with a wealth of beauty and lots of things to do. We lived onrepparttar 123174 side of a mountain that overlookedrepparttar 123175 Pacific Ocean. The beauty that we were able to observe from there was breathtaking. There were a lot of enjoyable things about living in Okinawa, but one ofrepparttar 123176 things that I enjoyed most was learning to scuba dive. The island itself is a coral reef island so it is surrounded by all different types of coral - different colors, different shapes. There are also dozens of varieties of tropical fish. Andrepparttar 123177 water was as clear as a bell. Even fromrepparttar 123178 surface, by wearing a mask, you could see all ofrepparttar 123179 beautiful sea life that was thirty or forty feet down. But for a diver, it is not justrepparttar 123180 sea life. Different parts ofrepparttar 123181 island have very different terrain, and you didn’t even have to have a boat to enjoy it. In most places you can just swim out a few feet and have a great dive in water that is anywhere from fifty to one hundred and twenty feet deep. In some places there is a wall. You swim out and all of a suddenrepparttar 123182 bottom goes from twelve feet to sixty feet deep straight down. Other places have caverns or giant boulders or wavy hills. So much variety. Of course, scuba diving can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing. That is why people who want to take uprepparttar 123183 sport have to get training. There is an actual certification that a person must get in order to participate inrepparttar 123184 sport. Inrepparttar 123185 certification class you study all ofrepparttar 123186 things you need to know to be safe. You learn how to userepparttar 123187 equipment and actually practice doing it. You learn how to calculaterepparttar 123188 length of time you can dive at different depths so as not to getrepparttar 123189 bends. And, of course, you learn about different kinds of sea life - particularly about creatures that can be dangerous. One day I was out diving with a friend and I came across a brown water snake. There were two kinds of snakes inrepparttar 123190 waters of Okinawa. Both are poisonous, butrepparttar 123191 brown ones are more so, and they are more aggressive. Well, I didn’t see this snake until I was fairly close to him and when he saw me, he started coming at me. I had seen this kind of snake before and always steered clear, but had never had one come toward me. I had been told that they won’t mess with you unless you mess with them, but for some reason this guy started coming and kept coming. Now I don’t like snakes, to begin with, and especially poisonous ones. When I saw him coming, I turned around and swam away as fast as I could. After I had gone a little ways I looked back and, to my surprise, he was still coming. You guessed it, I swam even harder. That rascal chased me close to forty yards before he finally gave up. Well, I knew that he wouldn’t chase me forever and that if I could move out of his territory he would leave me alone. If I had not known what to do, though, I might have tried to attack him back or do something else stupid that would have caused disastrous results.

The Four Foundations for Gaining Control of Your Life Knowing what to do is not something that just happens to us. We have to takerepparttar 123192 time and makerepparttar 123193 effort to figure out what we need to know, then go after it. We have to prepare. But we also needrepparttar 123194 whole picture. If we prepare inrepparttar 123195 wrong areas, or if our preparation is incomplete, we will end up as if we had never done any preparation at all. This principle applies to every arena of life - to our family, our job, our sports activities and every other area. Sincerepparttar 123196 principle is so pervasive, it is important to make sure we completely understand it so we can use it in life. People tend to be way too narrow inrepparttar 123197 way they apply growth principles to life. It is not possible to select one or two elements of life to grow in and neglectrepparttar 123198 rest. The areas that are not strong will, eventually, pull down evenrepparttar 123199 areas that are strong. We have to develop our whole self allrepparttar 123200 time. So just what arerepparttar 123201 areas that we have to focus on? Well, there are four.

Why do you need to have burning desire?

Written by ajay pats

Burning desire to be or do something gives us staying power--a reason to get up every morning or to pick ourselves up and start in again after a disappointment.When you want a thing deeply, earnestly and intensely, this feeling of desire reinforces your will and arouses in yourepparttar determination to work forrepparttar 123173 desired object. When you have a distinct purpose in view, your work becomes of absorbing interest. You bend your best powers to it; you give it concentrated attention; you think of little else thanrepparttar 123174 realization of this purpose; your will is stimulated into unusual activity, and as a consequence you do your work with an increasing sense of power.Happiness can be defined, in part at least, asrepparttar 123175 fruit ofrepparttar 123176 desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually. Behind every desire is a deeper desire. Behindrepparttar 123177 deepest of desires, you'll findrepparttar 123178 true identity ofrepparttar 123179 person you are.

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