..What's The Straight Scoop On MLM Leads Programs?...

Written by Michael Lemm

My friend Tony Rush has a great persepective on what goes in to being successful with leads. With success likely measured by whether you enroll someone... or not....in your primary business.

First & foremost understand that "you" arerepparttar key variable in that success. Per Tony (thanks buddy)repparttar 122456 list of factors could include:

-- your method of contact -- your copywriting abilities -- your phone skills -- your company -- your product -- your pay plan --repparttar 122457 investment -- your confidence -- their confidence in you -- your ability to create relationships -- your follow-up -- and a million other things.

Bluntly....understand that quality leads are just one component. The rest....quite literally....is in your hands. DON’T FORGET THIS FACT!!

I've tried leads from most ofrepparttar 122458 current leads programs....for my money (literally) I've stuck with one company (I won't tell you who here because that would smack of self serving advertising.) Just seemed to haverepparttar 122459 best combination of leads, system, and training for me personally. The others were too expensive, performed poorly, or both. You're and others experience/opinion may differ of course. And therein liesrepparttar 122460 first personal decision you must make, which company do I choose?

Each leads company has pros & cons that will be specific to your own preferences. Kinda hard to extrapolate to "you". Has to be your own decision based on your criteria....obviously.

I do suggest....if you haven't already....to listen in on any info calls each company offers that you can (if they have them). That should be a benchmark of any decision to join a leads company....and an ingrained habit of every Networker interested in utilizing a leads program.

A little tip for those looking into a leads program....invite a few folks you trust from your organization to listen with you (upline, sideline, downline leaders). Each of you will "hear" somethingrepparttar 122461 others don't. You can compare notes afterward and makerepparttar 122462 best decision for you as a group. Afterall you will haverepparttar 122463 best success as a group rather than an individual. So decide as a group. Buy in is easier then too. Which means sustained joint effort leading torepparttar 122464 organizational growth and momentum you're all looking for together. That'srepparttar 122465 best way to implement a leads program.....and exactly howrepparttar 122466 good ones are designed to work. Join together....work together.

To Hype Or Not To Hype... That Is The MLM Question

Written by Michael Lemm

OK, before anybody get's their shorts in a bunch let me make it clear I'm not advocating hype. Quiterepparttar contrary... I hate it.

You knowrepparttar 122455 type. "Make a million in your underwear"... "$100,000 with no selling and no sponsoring"... "We build it for you"... yada yada.

But why do we see so much of it? I don't think you can just shrug it off to "they don't know any better," or "their values are lower." It's too prevalent. In fact, some so called "gurus" teach it! You know,repparttar 122456 "headlines that sell" type of info products, ezine articles, conference calls, seminars and such.


Well, I set out awhile back to do a simple little experiment testing "hype" vs "no hype". I found a few message boards that are really nothing more than a free for all, anything goes advertising stage (not hard to find, unfortunately). I posted a few ads with catchy (if I do say so myself) hype headlines and content (otherwise known as emotional drivel).

I also continued my normal "tell it like it is," "this isrepparttar 122457 real truth" marketing habits in my usual locals.

What happened?

To my dismay,repparttar 122458 hype ads received lots of "hits" and a decent amount of sign-ups. The honest approach receivedrepparttar 122459 usual steady but not "massive" performance.

The results? (Pay attention, kiddies...here'srepparttar 122460 moral ofrepparttar 122461 story

The folks who became customers and sub-agents fromrepparttar 122462 honest upfront approach were much fewer in number, BUT more solid! The customers were loyal users and offered referals. The sub-agents actually graspedrepparttar 122463 concept that you have to sell product to earn income (hey Junior, it's called Network Marketing, not Network Recruiting, for a reason. Duh!) Plus those they recruited were brought in underrepparttar 122464 "honesty" label, too, and were taught to sell also.

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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