How To Build "The Bond" With Your Dog

Written by Adam G. Katz

Buildingrepparttar bond with your dog is really quite easy. If you recognize that you have a relationship with your dog, then buildingrepparttar 125715 bond comes down to nothing more than increasingrepparttar 125716 strength of that relationship. And as with any relationship, building a bond requires:

1.) Spending quality time together. 2.) Getting out inrepparttar 125717 world and experiencing life together. 3.) Establishing and promoting a level of mutual respect. 4.) Developing a way of communicating so that both individuals understandrepparttar 125718 other's needs. (Hmmm... maybe I should be writing self-help books for humans???)

Let's take a look at each of these key points to see how they can have a positive affect on your daily dog training: 1.) Spending quality time together. Spending quality time together does not mean sharing a beer with Fido whilerepparttar 125719 two of you lay in front ofrepparttar 125720 television. Well, okay... maybe it does. But more importantly, it means committing to a series of rituals and behaviors that you and your dog can look forward to. For example, I often throw Forbes (the Pit Bull) inrepparttar 125721 back ofrepparttar 125722 truck when I wake up inrepparttar 125723 morning and we go for a drive down torepparttar 125724 local McDonald's Drive-thru. For most ofrepparttar 125725 drive, Forbes is either still wipingrepparttar 125726 sleep out of his eyes, or he's doingrepparttar 125727 guard dog routine if someone walks up torepparttar 125728 back ofrepparttar 125729 truck. Butrepparttar 125730 highlight of this morning ritual begins when we get home. It's Forbes' job to hop out ofrepparttar 125731 back ofrepparttar 125732 truck and takerepparttar 125733 empty McDonald's brown paper bag in his mouth, walk downrepparttar 125734 drive way, aroundrepparttar 125735 gate, intorepparttar 125736 back yard, and then over torepparttar 125737 trash can... where he dropsrepparttar 125738 bag. Sure, it's a stupid pet trick. But see how disappointedrepparttar 125739 dog is when *I* insist on carryingrepparttar 125740 bag torepparttar 125741 trash can! Fromrepparttar 125742 dog's point of view, it'srepparttar 125743 30 or 40 little things throughoutrepparttar 125744 day (that he can help me with) that make his life worth living. And forrepparttar 125745 dog, this is spending quality. It all boils down to being an active participant in each other's lives.

2.) Getting out inrepparttar 125746 world and experiencing life together: It had been years since Bud and Janice's kids had grown and leftrepparttar 125747 house for college and later, corporate jobs. Bud had wanted a dog for several months and Janice finally gave in. They decided to adopt a beautiful 5 year-old Golden Retriever and proceeded to train "Mac," using many ofrepparttar 125748 techniques I describe in my book, "Secrets of a Professional Dog Trainer!" (To learn more about this book, go to Janice got scared when Bud came back from his first walk aroundrepparttar 125749 neighborhood with "Mac" and ran intorepparttar 125750 house yelling, "Janice! Janice! You won't believe what happened!!!" "Oh my gawd," though Janice, thinking that perhaps "Mac" had bitten a child, or run away. "What happened?" Janice questioned her husband. "You won't believe it, Janice," said Bud, "I took 'Mac' for a walk... AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY CAME UP AND TALKED TO ME!!!" Imagine that! Here's a guy who had lived inrepparttar 125751 same neighborhood for eight years and didn't know any of his neighbors until he got a dog and started taking it for walks. Dogs are a wonderful excuse to get you out ofrepparttar 125752 house and interacting withrepparttar 125753 world around you. It's also one ofrepparttar 125754 many reasons that handicapped people like owning service dogs... because it makes it easier for other people to come up and start a conversation. And do you think that "Mac" minded all ofrepparttar 125755 attention? Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, I think that my dog Forbes is happiest when we're out inrepparttar 125756 world, meeting new people and experiencing new things together. Two best friends, out onrepparttar 125757 town. You should seerepparttar 125758 look on Forbes' face when two or three beautiful women walk up and start rubbing his belly. Even better... you should seerepparttar 125759 look on my face!

The 7 Stages of Puppy Development

Written by Charlie Lafave

In order to understand why your puppy doesn’t listen to you at times, you need to understand each stage of development a puppy goes through as it matures. Let’s take a look atrepparttar different stages, but before we do, keep in mind that these stages are generalizations – each dog will progress at its own pace.

Stage 1: The Transitional Stage 2-3 Weeks The Transitional stage generally lasts from age two to three weeks, and it’s during this time that your puppy’s eyes will open, and he’ll slowly start to respond to light and movement and sounds around him. He’ll become a little more mobile during this period, trying to get his feet underneath him and crawling around inrepparttar 125714 box (or wherever home is.) He’ll start to recognize mom and his littermates, and any objects you might place inrepparttar 125715 box.

Stage 2: The Almost Ready To Meet The World Stage 3-4 Weeks The Almost ready to meetrepparttar 125716 world stage lasts from 3 to about 4 weeks, and your puppy undergoes rapid sensory development during this time. Fully alert to his environment, he’ll begin to recognize you and other family members. It’s best to avoid loud noises or sudden changes during this period – negative events can have a serious impact on his personality and development right now. Puppies learn how to be a dog during this time, so it’s essential that they stay with mom and littermates.

Stage 3: The Overlap Stage 4-7 Weeks From 3-4 weeks your puppy beginsrepparttar 125717 most critical social development period of his life – he learns social interaction with his littermates, learns how to play and learns bite inhibition. He’ll also learn discipline at this point – Mom will begin weaningrepparttar 125718 pups around this time, and will start teaching them basic manners, including accepting her asrepparttar 125719 leader ofrepparttar 125720 pack. You can begin to introduce food torepparttar 125721 pups starting aroundrepparttar 125722 4th week – transition gradually as Mom weans them. Continue handlingrepparttar 125723 pups daily, but don’t separate them from either Mom or litter mates for more than about 10 minutes per day. Puppies that are removed fromrepparttar 125724 nest too early frequently are nervous, more prone to barking and biting and have a more difficult time with socialization and training. Puppies need to be left with Mom and siblings until at least 7 weeks of age - and preferably a little longer - for optimum social development. Experts say thatrepparttar 125725 best time in a puppy’s life to learn social skills is between 3 and 16 weeks of age – that’srepparttar 125726 window of opportunity you have to make sure your puppy grows up to be a well-adjusted dog. It’s extremely important to leave your puppy with Mom and his littermates during as much of this period as possible. Don’t discipline for play fighting, housebreaking mistakes or mouthing – that’s all normal behavior for a puppy at this stage.

Stage 4: The “I’m Afraid of Everything” Stage 8 Weeks to 3 Months The “I’m Afraid of Everything” Stage lasts from about 8 weeks to 3 months, and is characterized by rapid learning as well as a “fearful period” that usually pops up at around 8 to 10 weeks. Not all dogs experience this, but most do, and they’ll appear terrified over things that they took in stride before. This is not a good time to engage in harsh discipline (not that you ever should anyway!), loud voices or traumatic events. At this time your puppy’s bladder and bowels are starting to come under much better control, and he’s capable of sleeping throughrepparttar 125727 night. (At last, you can get some rest!) You can begin teaching simple commands like: come, sit, stay, down, etc. Leash training can begin. It’s important not to isolate your puppy from human contact at this time, as he’ll continue to learn behaviors and manners that will affect him in later years.

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