Four steps to make your day dynamic!

Written by Miami Phillips

Four steps to make your day dynamic!

There are two ways to start your day. The first is to dive in; tackling whatever is in front of you. You might check your emails. This is an interesting beginning as it is always possible something fun and new came in since you last looked.

Next thing you know you are deeply involved, answering all your mail. Some messages require thought; others require action, either research, interaction with others, or decision making. It is natural to attempt to take care of these mails, as they are right in front of you. You feel hungry, look up and it is mid morning. You have just spent a quarter of your day dealing with emails!

Another scenario is firefighting. Firefighting isrepparttar act of facing and finding quick fix solutions for allrepparttar 123186 emergency situations that seem to be coming at you from unknown sources. These urgent problems can also eat up an alarming amount of your work day.

Let's look at an alternative method of beginning your day. First, remember that this day is a gift. You haverepparttar 123187 choice what to do with it. Why not choose to dorepparttar 123188 important -but-not urgent tasks first? These arerepparttar 123189 tasks that will advance your life goals, and ensure success for you as you have defined it. If you do not prioritize and do these tasks first, you will almost certainly fail to do them.* Here is how.

1. Define where you want to be in 3-5 years. Now listrepparttar 123190 steps it will take to get you there. Break these steps down into yearly goals, then monthly and finally weekly. Takerepparttar 123191 time to plan your life!

2. Atrepparttar 123192 beginning of your day, pull out your weekly goals. What will you do today to advance your weekly goal? List this (these) tasks.

3. Scan your emails - don't read them! You will get bogged down! Also, scan your phone messages, faxes inbox and anywhere else you receive communication. The goal is to get an idea of what new items will require your attention today.

How to travel on journey of life successfully?

Written by Ajay Pats

Life, as I see it is not a location, but a journey. Everything is in flux, and is meant to be. Life flows. We may live atrepparttar same number ofrepparttar 123185 street, but it is neverrepparttar 123186 same man who lives there.You don't see many hearses with luggage racks on them. We're privileged to be here, so instead of just using God's resources, we should leaverepparttar 123187 place a little better than we found it-or at least leave itrepparttar 123188 same. Dividing moment isrepparttar 123189 moment that dividesrepparttar 123190 past fromrepparttar 123191 future. And this isrepparttar 123192 moment that you control. It's a powerful place to be. What you do right now will determine what you carry from your past into your future. You can choose to hold on to allrepparttar 123193 good, empowering things such as your knowledge, your positive relationships, your wisdom and experience. And you can choose to move beyond those things that have held you back, such as negative habits and low expectations.

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