Every Obstacle Always Presents an Opportunity

Written by Garret Belisle

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would removerepparttar huge rock. Some ofrepparttar 144560 king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamedrepparttar 144561 King for not keepingrepparttar 144562 roads clear, but none did anything about gettingrepparttar 144563 stone out ofrepparttar 144564 way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approachingrepparttar 144565 boulder,repparttar 144566 peasant laid down his burden and tried to moverepparttar 144567 stone torepparttar 144568 side ofrepparttar 144569 road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. Afterrepparttar 144570 peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying inrepparttar 144571 road whererepparttar 144572 boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note fromrepparttar 144573 King indicating thatrepparttar 144574 gold was forrepparttar 144575 person who removedrepparttar 144576 boulder fromrepparttar 144577 roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

An inspirational story I thought, but what does this have to do with me? (you are probably asking yourself this question)

The answer : Everything!!!

Going on some new found venture in anything always has some form of obstacle or obstacles that go along with it, whether it is right in front of you or hidden somewhere, they are always there.

To get a bit off track allow me to share a story with you, many years ago when I was a younger man, I was inrepparttar 144578 military...I remember so many instances that looking back on were all obstacles. Some of course stood right out...while others were carefully hidden (much torepparttar 144579 delight ofrepparttar 144580 instructors) our platoon had startedrepparttar 144581 "Battleschool" training with 42 men and byrepparttar 144582 end we graduated with 21. So in relation torepparttar 144583 story aforementioned those of us who made it through wererepparttar 144584 "peasant" and those who did not wererepparttar 144585 "noblemen" etc. We did not give in torepparttar 144586 obstacles or remove ourselves fromrepparttar 144587 risks involved.

Make the Right move

Written by Donald Lee

America is always onrepparttar move—literally. Experts estimate that one out of five households move to a new residence each year. If you dorepparttar 144559 math, that amounts to a whopping 1.5 million moves every month. Those are some amazing stats, especially if you consider how trying and stressful such moves can be. It’s a wonder that one household—let alone millions!—can pull it off.

If you’re part of this statistic and onrepparttar 144560 verge of a big move, though, don’t be daunted byrepparttar 144561 whole process of packing up your stuff, loading it, and dragging it to your new home. There is a way to move without losing any valuables, too much money, or your mind, whether you’re moving across town, or acrossrepparttar 144562 continent. With some common sense, some help from professionals, friends, and loved ones, andrepparttar 144563 essential “Do’s and Don’ts” list in this article, you can be successful and avoid all ofrepparttar 144564 mishaps and stress that usually come with moving.

We’ll start withrepparttar 144565 positive—the Do’s on our list. Make sure to check off all of these before you even start stuffing boxes with your stuff. Do:

•Line up help for packing and moving your stuff. It depends on your budget whether you hire professional movers or call inrepparttar 144566 volunteer brigade (your friends and family). Either way, round up somebody.

•Have a chat with your post office, making sure they know to forward your mail to your new address. In many cases, you will need to fill out a mail-forwarding form.

•Purchase brand-new moving boxes from your moving company or truck-renting company. They’re worthrepparttar 144567 money. Bugs and vermin can stow away in old boxes. No need to give them a free ride to your new digs.

•Sort through your stuff for old valuables you don’t need anymore to sell. Be honest with yourself, and you may be able to pay for your move withrepparttar 144568 money you make—especially if you sell them at convenient and easy marketplaces like online classified sites.

•Drop off old valuables that aren’t worth selling at a Goodwill or other charity thrift shop.

•Think comfort and safety on move day. Pack a first-aid kit with medicines and hygiene products, as well as a change of clothes and light snacks.

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