Do You Know Who Owns Your Words?

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

Writing forrepparttar web creates a lot of new questions about who owns all those words circulating out there on web sites, in ezines and in ebooks. What aboutrepparttar 101148 CD's created from many of those words in all those digital forms all overrepparttar 101149 web? Instead of books or articles or columns, it's all being re- named "Content".

In a 2nd Circuit Court decision last year, six freelance writers won a case againstrepparttar 101150 New York Times, Newsday and Time for copyright infringement. Their work was re-sold as digital content on a CDROM and later published onrepparttar 101151 web.

Their claim that they did NOT relicense their work for use onrepparttar 101152 web or in digital compilations and were entitled to compensation when that content was re-sold was accepted byrepparttar 101153 court in a judgement againstrepparttar 101154 original publishers of that content.

Many writers online offer their articles "Free" for use onrepparttar 101155 web, in ezines or in ebooks available online. But in fact are being paid byrepparttar 101156 publishers by requiring that "resource boxes" be used, such asrepparttar 101157 four line blurb following this article. This is, in fact, a form of payment and is agreed to by those writers in exchange forrepparttar 101158 traffic, publicity, subscriptions and exposure gained when readers visitrepparttar 101159 authors web site, subscribe to their ezine or see advertise- ments run for a fee on their web site.

"Content" is proliferating, professional "paid" writers work is becoming less valuable online and some professionals are shouting, "ENOUGH! We want to be paid for our work!"

An article this week at "" discusses how to raiserepparttar 101160 ire of any professional writer by asking them to write for free.

And the Banner Man Held His Banner High

Written by Martin Avis

We hear it allrepparttar time: "Banners don't work anymore!" But did 'banners' ever really work inrepparttar 101147 first place?

The latest published figures seem to suggest thatrepparttar 101148 average click-thru-rate (CTR) for a banner ad onrepparttar 101149 Internet is between 0.15% and 0.3%. That is 1.5 to 3 per thousand.

Why is that such a surprise? Can you rememberrepparttar 101150 last time you clicked on a banner ad? I certainly can't.

Yet businesses are still putting banners up. Are they just kidding themselves?

Inrepparttar 101151 same way that big businesses will buy endless TV spots or radio ads to get their name better known, so too are banner ads used as a branding medium. These campaigns, where response is only a secondary aim, bringrepparttar 101152 average CTRs down considerably.

Inrepparttar 101153 offline advertising world, Direct Response advertising is thriving. Ads that solicit a measurable action - call this number, fill this coupon, visit this web site - are growing as a percentage ofrepparttar 101154 total. The reason is simple. Every measurable response letsrepparttar 101155 advertiser learn more aboutrepparttar 101156 mix of media on his schedule. Newspaper A pulls more calls than newspaper B - then lets drop 'A' fromrepparttar 101157 plan and try out 'C'.

This constant learning and refining should be practiced online as well, but how many do it? The overall CTR is further damaged by too many banners being bought onrepparttar 101158 wrong sites, and staying there too long.

An advantage that offline media planners have isrepparttar 101159 sheer volume of research intorepparttar 101160 audiences of every advertising medium you can think of. So before a single dollar is spent, they know that their ads will be seen byrepparttar 101161 most appropriate people.

Not so online. Yet. In a large number of cases, banner ads are bought and sold in bulk. For every perfect site you buy, several others may be included in 'the package'. This arbitrary approach will decline if sites are forced to audit bothrepparttar 101162 size and composition of their audiences before advertisers will buy from them.

Making a successful banner campaign depends on four factors:

1. Ensuring thatrepparttar 101163 audience ofrepparttar 101164 site you advertise on is as closely matched as possible to your own. Not just in terms of age and socio-demographics, but also in attitude. Wastage is useless, and expensive.

2. Advertising on popular sites that people are likely to have bookmarked. One ofrepparttar 101165 reasons many people resist clicking on banners is because they know they will be taken away fromrepparttar 101166 site they are viewing to someplace they may not want to be. Highly bookmarked sites are easy to find again.

3. Gettingrepparttar 101167 right price. Until recently, most sites selling banners insisted on a cost-per-thousand impressions policy. The advertiser pays every time a viewer has an opportunity to clickrepparttar 101168 banner whether or not that opportunity is taken. This is becoming outdated, thankfully, as a more appropriate payment-by- results model is growing in popularity.

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