"...Do What He Tells You"

Written by Gary Shirley

The wedding celebration in Cana was in full swing. Joy and celebration filledrepparttar air. There was a deep sense of kinship amongrepparttar 126815 guests. There was happy music and spirited dance. There was also an acute shortage of wine.

Since wedding festivities typically went on for several days, great embarrassment was onrepparttar 126816 horizon. Mary quietly advised her Son ofrepparttar 126817 predicament. Knowingrepparttar 126818 profound import of her next words, she issued a simple directive torepparttar 126819 servants to "...do whatever he tells you" (Jn 2:5). Moments later, heaven touched earth.

Fromrepparttar 126820 moment she spoke, Mary knew that Jesus would no longer be able to blend quietly into village life. She started her Son on his mission with no idea what that mission entailed. She knew not ofrepparttar 126821 master plan God had crafted fromrepparttar 126822 dawn of time -repparttar 126823 coming rejection, suffering and death that would berepparttar 126824 price of salvation. She was unaware ofrepparttar 126825 depths of divine mercy. She only knew that God was in charge and it was not important that she understand, only that she trust.

We never hear from Mary again in Scripture. Throughoutrepparttar 126826 years of her Son’s earthly ministry, none of her words are recorded. Accounts of his passion and death noted only her presence, but no consoling prayer, anguished cry or stinging rebuke directed at his persecutors. Descriptions of Jesus’s miraculous Resurrection offered no mention of his mother’s reaction. Evenrepparttar 126827 narrative of his Ascension included no reference to a parting dialogue or simple goodbye between mother and Son.

Some might think Mary was slighted byrepparttar 126828 inspired authors of Sacred Scripture. Others might feel that she was rightly overshadowed by her divine Son. Still others contend that her scriptural silence, in itself, possessed vast theological implications.

Perhaps another insight merits consideration. Mayberepparttar 126829 Blessed Mother said all that needed to be said. While her command torepparttar 126830 servants saved her wedding host much embarrassment, it was only a means to an end. Her directive was infused with a transcendence far beyond Cana. As any good mother would do, Mary offered all her children loving, yet firm, parental guidance. Quite simply, her last recorded words made clearrepparttar 126831 way to salvation.

Throughrepparttar 126832 bewildered wedding servants, she reminds all generations of Christians to "...do whatever he tells you." No other message is necessary. No other instruction more profound. Mary quietly passes intorepparttar 126833 shadows of Scripture making sure her children know what she expects of them. Her haunting words continually remind us ofrepparttar 126834 simplicity ofrepparttar 126835 Christian faith. All we have to do is followrepparttar 126836 path her Son carefully laid out, which is to serverepparttar 126837 world through his bride,repparttar 126838 Church.

Sharing is Healing

Written by David Nelmes

David NelmesWhatever it is that you desire for yourself, share that thing with your fellow man and then you shall have it in greater measure as well. God creates by sharing because this isrepparttar only way that true change can occur. God created us by sharing himself. It's impossible to create something from nothing, so God shared a part of himself and created us. Just like an idea can be shared and grows larger as it spreads acrossrepparttar 126814 world, so does God extend himself by sharing. Learning to share isrepparttar 126815 one way in which we can have true blessings in our lives.

Sharing and giving are notrepparttar 126816 same thing. With sharing, you have not lost anything because whatever you share is still a part of you, as we are still a part of God. Sharing occurs strictly on a spiritual level and does not revolve around physical things, but physical effects may be apparent fromrepparttar 126817 sharing. When you give something, there is a sense that you have lost something and somebody else has gained something. This is not a spiritual action and therefore will not bringrepparttar 126818 same blessings as sharing.

Whatever it is that you desire for yourself, share that thing with your fellow man and then you shall have it in greater measure as well. Learning to share is<IMG height=12 src= one way in which we can have true blessings in our lives." ALIGN=RIGHT HSPACE=10 VSPACE=10 GALLERYIMG="no" CLASS="iborder1">For example, when Jesus fedrepparttar 126820 thousands, on several occasions, he could have givenrepparttar 126821 crowdrepparttar 126822 fishes and bread, but then they would have only what was given them, and all there was to give is whatever is already physically here. The crowd would have received just a few fishes and a few loaves. Instead, Jesus saw pastrepparttar 126823 physical and Shared his desire thatrepparttar 126824 crowd be fed, andrepparttar 126825 fish and loaves were multiplied as a result of his desire to share. When all was done, everyone had eaten and there was more left over than they had started with.

Since most of us consider money and possessions to be atrepparttar 126826 heart of most needs, let's follow through by taking a look atrepparttar 126827 difference between giving something or sharing something...

When you give a donation, you might be aware that you have less than before. You might be aware of tax benefits. You might believe that God requires something of you...that somehow God is lacking in ability to take care of something himself. You might be aware of a sense of sacrifice. You might be aware that your donation is required...or else.

When you share a donation, you are aware that everything you have is from God and is therefore everyone's to begin with, so it never leaves you because you never considered it just yours to begin with. You are aware thatrepparttar 126828 donation will help somebody with a perceived lack, to maintain themselves a bit longer, while always knowing you were not required in any way to provide help since God is not withoutrepparttar 126829 means to provide in any way he desires. You are not aware of any loss or sense of sacrifice. What was never only yours will not be missed nor required back. You are aware that what you share will come back to you in some way, because that is how sharing works, but sharing cannot occur ifrepparttar 126830 motivation is just to get back.

The physical world is just an effect ofrepparttar 126831 actions that occur inrepparttar 126832 spiritual world. There is no lack in Gods Kingdom, but there is lack perceived here. Learning to be open to and sharerepparttar 126833 spiritual in this world, opensrepparttar 126834 doors for this world to change and be blessed. God is not waiting for us to deserve blessing or be worthy of healing. He has already given all of that to us. He is just waiting for us to accept what is already there. We have only to allow these blessings to occur and they will.

Have I implied that we are purposely not allowing ourselves to be blessed? Yes I have and it's true. God is not holding anything back and so if there is a need you have in your life, no matter how large or how small, it's because you have not allowed God to take control of some part of your life. God's not waiting for you to deserverepparttar 126835 blessing, nor is there a devil who hasrepparttar 126836 power to hold back what God would give to you. These concepts only keep you from uncoveringrepparttar 126837 truth that you arerepparttar 126838 only source of allrepparttar 126839 problems in your life. Nobody else and nothing else isrepparttar 126840 problem, and as long as you look anywhere but inside forrepparttar 126841 answer, you will not findrepparttar 126842 answer, because it is simply not there.

God does not have favorites, nor is he impressed with deeds. He can't be bargained with or be part of a compromise for things to come. God is not like us and does not think onrepparttar 126843 very low and self-centered levels man does. Since he has already given us everything, everyone isrepparttar 126844 favorite, everything is special, and there is nothing to ask for, nothing to bargain about and nothing to earn. The whole concept that we have to earn something from God, so that we might deserverepparttar 126845 blessing, is what is keepingrepparttar 126846 blessing away. This concept implies we are not worthy and as long as we believe it, we hold backrepparttar 126847 blessings God has given us. Jesus said that if we seek God first in all things spiritual, all things physical will be attended to. This is not an act of pleasing God, it is an act of being open to what God so very much desires to share with you. All that he has is yours. All peace...all love...all perfection...all that which was created perfect and whole and without need...all these things are what are already there for us. We just have to accept that we are worthy of them or we will not see them or accept them.

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