" And they lived healthily every after ... "

Written by Anonymous

WEDDED bliss may protect women against heart disease and stroke, a new study suggests.

The study, which followed 413 middle-aged women over 12 years, found that those who were happily married were less likely than their dissatisfied peers to develop metabolic syndrome, disorders like high blood pressure, excess abdominal fat, abnormal cholesterol levels and elevated blood sugar that raiserepparttar risk of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

Women who were deemed "maritally dissatisfied" were three times more likely to develop metabolic syndrome duringrepparttar 143437 study period than women who were content. The risk was also higher among divorced or widowed women. Single women, onrepparttar 143438 other hand, showed no significant difference from happily married women.


Written by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

Millions of people are afflicted with seizure disorders. There are many different types of seizures that present with various symptomatologies. The seizure experience depends onrepparttar location and amount ofrepparttar 143426 brain that is affected duringrepparttar 143427 seizure. By definition, a seizure disorder is stimulation of a brain pathway where there shouldn’t be any activity of a pathway. The activity is spontaneous abnormal electrical discharge of certain pathways inrepparttar 143428 brain.

Seizure disorders may appear at any age. The person may be conscious or unconscious duringrepparttar 143429 seizure. The activity can range from minor tremors to uncontrollable flinging ofrepparttar 143430 body. Seizures can begin with minor symptoms and become increasingly global. Most seizure disorders are from an unknown cause.

Repeated brain seizures characterize a condition called epilepsy. Epilepsy is a neurological condition which produces consistent disturbances inrepparttar 143431 brain’s electrical pathway. Normal brain activity is described as stimulation of pathways, and these pathways communicate with each other to controlrepparttar 143432 body and all of its functions. When communication lines cross, messages become confusing andrepparttar 143433 brain has trouble sortingrepparttar 143434 signals.

To date, treatment of seizures has primarily been pharmaceutically based. These medications interruptrepparttar 143435 brain activity that causesrepparttar 143436 seizure. Unfortunately,repparttar 143437 medications cannot be pathway specific. The medications will interrupt all brain activity. Since seizure activity involves only certain pathways,repparttar 143438 result is thatrepparttar 143439 brain is more globally affected (the entire brain). This includes pathways that are not involved inrepparttar 143440 seizure. This decrease in brain activity can result in many side effects. They range from behavior/personality changes to blurred or double vision.

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