Yu-Gi-Oh! – The King Of Games

Written by T-ShirtKing.com Weekly Newsletter

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Yu-Gi-Oh! – The King Of Games

1. Heart of The Cards 2. The Guantlet Is Thrown 3. Journey to The Duelists Kingdom 4. Duel Monsters 5. Millennium Puzzle 6. The Ultimate Great Moth 7. Everything’s Relative 8. Champion Vs. Creator 9. The Dueling Monkey 10. Shining Friendship

1. Heart of The Cards

Following fast onrepparttar heels of Pokemon,repparttar 111440 latest rage to riderepparttar 111441 tsunami fromrepparttar 111442 isle of machination to global domination is, Yu-Gi-Oh!

2. The Guantlet Is Thrown

Likerepparttar 111443 industry legend Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh! is a game and a show. But, this game is not video, it is a highly addictive card game. Pokemon had cards too and Yu-Gi-Oh! has a video game as well, but this card game is a much bigger deal, rivalingrepparttar 111444 likes ofrepparttar 111445 widespread MAGICrepparttar 111446 Gathering series of card games. Popular it is, this game of cards.

3. Journey to The Duelists Kingdom

A side-by-side comparison ofrepparttar 111447 latest phenomenon withrepparttar 111448 legend goes like this: In its first 3 years in Japan, Pokemon sold 10 million video games and 600 million cards. After 3 years in Japan, Yu-Gi-Oh! sold 7 million video games and 3 BILLION cards. So, Yu-Gi-Oh! is a video game too, butrepparttar 111449 cards are whererepparttar 111450 attraction lies. So far, Pokemon has sold 90 million video games and 6 billion cards. If Yu-Gi-Oh! stays on par with Pokemon it may end up having one ofrepparttar 111451 largest followings of any game in history.

4. Duel Monsters

So who or what is Yu-Gi-Oh!, anyway?

The show excels withrepparttar 111452 highly-kinetic Japanese anime style and followsrepparttar 111453 adventures of a shy high school student named Yugi. Yugi is not a popular kid and takesrepparttar 111454 blunt of many high school bullies, but is able to escape this ridicule when an ancient Egyptian artifact, known as “The Millennium Puzzle”, transports him into a magical realm whererepparttar 111455 popular card game, Duel Monsters, comes to life!

5. Millennium Puzzle

The Millennium Puzzle carries a deep secret buried deep within it. When Yugi finds himself in a bit of trouble, which oftenrepparttar 111456 case,repparttar 111457 puzzle comes to life and invites Yugi to, “How about playing a game with me?”

6. The Ultimate Great Moth

Intricate, that is what makes Yu-Gi-Oh! so immensely popular. Details, that’s what it’s got in spades. Details outrepparttar 111458 Yin Yang! Vibrantly rich details providing a “real world” that deeply submersesrepparttar 111459 players and viewers in a complex and entertaining experience.

8 Gifts of Parenting

Written by Lawrence Vijay Girard

No one who has hugged their child can doubtrepparttar gift of a child’s presence in their life. The love that is expressed in that simple act is one ofrepparttar 111439 most profound ways that we experience love in this world. In order to nurturerepparttar 111440 special relationship of parent and child, and fulfill our roles as parents, there are number of things that we are signing up to do. Here is a list of eight essential ways to fulfill our parental responsibilities.

These are gifts that we should freely give to our children without thought of what we will receive in return for our efforts.

The Gift of Life. It is easy to forget that inrepparttar 111441 act of receiving a child into our lives we are sharingrepparttar 111442 gift of life itself. Rememberingrepparttar 111443 precious nature of life can help us to keeprepparttar 111444 ups and downs of daily life in a proper perspective. The Gift of Love. The most essential ingredient for a happy life is love. There is no feeling more satisfying torepparttar 111445 soul, both in giving and receiving, then love. When we include a conscious awareness of this truth and nurture it asrepparttar 111446 most basic value of our relationship with our children, we will find that many mistakes – on both sides – can be weathered. The Gift of Time. Time isrepparttar 111447 proof of our caring. When you spend time with your child you are saying with your actions: I love you and I would rather be with you than doing anything else. This is one ofrepparttar 111448 best ways that you can objectify your love. It is also one ofrepparttar 111449 greatest blessings. The Gift of Good Manners. Children from a young age can be taught to behave. This isn’t an imposition on their free will. It is a gift that will enhance their lives. The process of developing good manners will help them to begin learning to see how others are affected by their actions. Throughrepparttar 111450 establishment of basic good manners we are giving our children a skill that will benefit them in every other part of life. The Gift of Self-Control. Throughrepparttar 111451 establishment of good manners fromrepparttar 111452 very beginning we are plantingrepparttar 111453 seeds of a character trait that can serve as a strong support for success in any endeavor: Self-Control. Practice cultivating self-control in your own self first. Then attune yourself to ways that you can instill these same values in your children.

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