Your recipe for online success

Written by Darren Power

Your perfect online business will be made up of just a handful of ingredients. They will be your revenue ingredients and your traffic ingredients.

Your challenge is to mix them up inrepparttar best way to suit your business needs and your niche in order to gain maximum profit.

Assuming your niche has already been determined by looking for a hungry crowd that you can put your site inrepparttar 116628 way of,repparttar 116629 next step in planning your online business will be to choose your income ingredients.

When it comes down to it there are three basic ways that you can earn money with your own website.

1. You could create your own product that you sell to visitors. This might be an e-book, a video or audio course or maybe some kind of a membership service. Or maybe it’s a hard product, by that I mean something that you can touch and that you have to physically ship to your customers.

2. You could sell other people's products either by buying resale rights to a product or by joining affiliate programs and promoting other people's products for commission.

3. You could sell advertising on your site and earn revenue this way. This may be by selling space on your site but more likely would be by showing Adsense or similar ads.

Probably you will want to do all ofrepparttar 116630 above.

The third step will be to determine how you will get traffic. You have a few choices in this regard and below I have detailed six sources of traffic that you can use for your site. As withrepparttar 116631 income ingredients above, top marketers use all of them.

1. Search engine optimisation (SEO). SEO isrepparttar 116632 art of getting free traffic by being listed highly in search engines. if you can get onrepparttar 116633 first page at Google for a popular search term then you'll get traffic and plenty of it. The process can be slow but is certainly worthwhile.

The Headless Newbie - don't burn that credit card

Written by Marc Howlett

Copyright © 2004 Marc Howlett

Are you a headless newbie?

I know I was when twelve month ago when I started looking into setting up an online business. Whichever way I turned people were willing to offer me advice, e-books, freebies, newsletters, amazing money making opportunities, advertising, search engine placement and much more. This was great but my head started spinning and my credit card started to melt and worst of all I wasn't making a cent.

I learnt a lot during this time and have started to see my commission cheques increase so here are my top 5 tips to helprepparttar newbie withrepparttar 116627 credit card rush to stop sit back and actually start earning some money.

1: Before you sign up for anything readrepparttar 116628 sales page fully and see what you are actually getting for your money. Many of these pages contain a lot of information andrepparttar 116629 tendacy is to skim them forrepparttar 116630 interesting parts ie: How much does it cost. This is exactly what they are desinged to do, so slow down and read everything fully. When I first started I signed up for several programs just because they seemed to offer a lot for not a lot of money, this was true but none of it was at all useful.

2: Join some relevant forums and ask questions aboutrepparttar 116631 affiliate programs you are interested in. People are only too happy to help and you will get some good honest feedback both good and bad.

3: When you decide on a program give it time and if it doesn't work straight away keep going. One ofrepparttar 116632 biggest mistakes is to jump from program to program to find one that will work. As with any business it takes time to build and see results so stick with it and keep telling yourself what brought you to internet marketing.

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