Your niche on the Web

Written by Stephen Cope

The Internet is vast with millions of new web sites being added weekly- How do you stand out in this crowd? This is topic we are going to address in this article. An understanding of which is crucial for your Internet success.

 The answer is rather simple - To makerepparttar crowd smaller!

It is easier to stand out in a small crowd than a big crowd! Therefore you need to get away fromrepparttar 132505 crowd and go to your niche! Onrepparttar 132506 Internet this translates into building and marketing your web site only for a small section ofrepparttar 132507 Internet (your niche) and not to everyone (the big crowd).

Is Nicherepparttar 132508 same as Small?

People often confuse niche with small, whether or not it is depends on your target market, but generally speaking I would say niche means smaller not necessarily small. For example films.

Films covers a large area but is in itself still a niche onrepparttar 132509 Internet. We can dividerepparttar 132510 films theme into areas(sub niches) like Hollywood films,British films, Foreign language films, black and white films, Laurel and Hardy films. All of these are in themselves niche areas-- but not small, and can be divided even further. For example we can divide foreigm language films into French,French film Catherine Deneuve, German etc.

Why Make our Target Market Smaller?

The answer to this involves a basic understanding on how people search for information, products or services. Onrepparttar 132511 Internet they normally go to a search engine and type in a query films. What would you expect if you entered this query at Google? ----You would certainly get a result but probably notrepparttar 132512 one you wanted!

How To Make a Web Page

Written by Stephen Cope

 If you are able to create a document using a word processor like word then you are able to make a web page. Here we will look at how to make a web page using repparttar Trellian WebPage page editor.

Trellian Webpage is a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor which hidesrepparttar 132504 technicalities of HTML.I have chosen to use this editor because it is a very simple and uncluttered  yet a powerful web page editor, and equally as important, there is a completely free version available for download onrepparttar 132505 Internet. If you don't currently have it then follow this link to download Trellian Webpage  for free.

In order to illustrate how to make a web page we are going to make a series of web pages to illustraterepparttar 132506 various aspects of a web page like headings, tables, images etc. None ofrepparttar 132507 examples will require a knowledge of HTML. However if you are interested in learning HTML then I have a series of articles showing how to make a web page using HTML

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