It is a U.S. Constitutional mandate that
U.S. Congress shall secure
borders of
United States. It appears this was never done and never will be. When
Federal Government failed to do its job and made things worse, it became
responsibility of
affected Border States to secure these borders and start programs that reduce
pressure on those who are driven to
U.S. The Border States did nothing but point to
irresponsible Feds….and continues to do so. Not our job, they say, and
job goes undone. In
past few years, citizen groups have begun to step in, to attempt to do what government will not. These citizen groups scare
hell out of everybody, but
people and
drugs just keep on coming. Since no one can stop
illegal traffic, it is way past time to create a uniform policy for these people that were essentially invited here by
government’s irresponsible, unlawful behavior.
Because every undocumented immigrant represents government carelessness and dereliction of duty and
lack of domestic security, they should be recorded and rewarded for their effort. In many cases they have risked their lives. Congress has risked nothing. The immigrants deserve recognition for
triumph of will over bureaucracy. They should be an inspiration to us all.
Offer amnesty, a green card and a State driver's license to every one who desires them. Document where they came from, who they are, what skills they have brought with them and why they have come here. Take DNA samples so we can identify them and their offspring so long as they remain in
U.S. They came for a better life and we will see they get one. We can help them with skills training and work options, education, health care, housing and more.
Because they essentially invaded
country, there must be a penalty that will discourage others from doing
same. That penalty is
forfeiture of citizenship for them and any offspring, forever. Unless they return to their homeland, apply for legal admission, and obtain it, based on their record while living in
The citizenship provisions of
U.S. Constitution were deficient from
day they were written. They encourage illegal immigrants to have children here because citizenship is a privilege of birth. Citizenship should not be a privilege. It should mean as much to someone born here as it does to legal immigrants who study for naturalization. The tests should be meaningful and difficult to pass.
Citizens need to be knowledgeable in Religious, Common and Constitutional law. This law is
contract we agree to live by. Not to know
terms of
contract generates criminal society and government. That's what we have today and that's what we'll have tomorrow. Citizens have left it all to incompetent professionals. Liberty demands personal vigilance. A lazy free man is a hermit.
Gift citizenship makes political equals of
ignorant and
educated. What is
point of obtaining degrees and being a conscientious citizen, when ignorant fools can outvote you? How can you have a jury of peers when people who know nothing of law are seated on a jury and simply take instruction from some authoritarian, black robed, law priest? When citizenship is a gift it has no meaning but privilege. When citizenship becomes an achievement, it has honest value. Let's fix
many deficiencies in
U.S. Constitution. It won't be easy.