Your Website Visitors - Will They Stay?

Written by Randy Justason

I'm sure you've all heardrepparttar saying 'Build it and they will come'. Although that may have been true a few years ago, now we must work, and work hard, to get visitors to our websites.

You can't always control who visits, however, you can have some control over who stays.

Here are a few website no-no's that I have come accross that made me leave without even clicking pastrepparttar 132165 first page.

1. Slow loading pages - For those of us still on dial-up internet access this is one ofrepparttar 132166 primary reasons for not hanging around.

If you think you are going to load your page up with lots of images and javascripts to make it look nice and do great things, think again. They slow downrepparttar 132167 loading ofrepparttar 132168 page. Save that stuff for later pages when you have your visitors' attention. If you offer them something they came to find they will have a little more patience asrepparttar 132169 remaining pages load.

2. Curser followers - We've all seen them, those little dots or letters that followrepparttar 132170 curser aroundrepparttar 132171 page. They are so annoying that I don't even bother to readrepparttar 132172 first paragraph.

OK, so maybe there is a place for them. If you have a site based on entertaining children then perhaps you can use them effectively. However, if your site is focused on getting signups for your affiliate programs try to keep it professional looking.

3. Flash Intro - These are not as bad as they used to be due torepparttar 132173 fact that most search engines can spider and index them now.

What is annoying though is when a site has a flash intro and does not giverepparttar 132174 visitor a way to skip it and go directly intorepparttar 132175 site. Again this is particularly bad for those with dial-up connections. If I have to sit and watch a little colored bar that says 'loading', guess what, I'm gone. Always give your visitor a means to skiprepparttar 132176 intro if they want to.

4. Colored backgrounds and printing - Have you ever had to get up close to your monitor to readrepparttar 132177 words on a website? I have and I can tell you that I didn't read too many lines before I was gone.

There are definitely some color schemes you should stay away from. For example, red letters on a black background are extremely hard to read. I'm sure you have come accross some yourself that were sure-fire triggers forrepparttar 132178 'back' button.

Simple black letters on a white background is your best bet for easy reading. Also be sure to keep your paragraphs short and have lots of 'white space' on your page.

Basic Rules on Page Layout and Color

Written by Granny's Mettle

For one to be able to stand out fromrepparttar rest, one needs to go out ofrepparttar 132163 box, breakrepparttar 132164 rules, and some other clichés that apply to breaking out fromrepparttar 132165 traditional. But before breaking any rule, you have to understand firstrepparttar 132166 basic and foundation ofrepparttar 132167 rule itself.

First off, let's talk about page layout.

The Rule – Too much boxes is bad for your health.

One designer said that a mark of a designer is when he or she starts to use boxes and rules in his or her pages. When you look at your page and realizerepparttar 132168 need to make something attractive and creative out ofrepparttar 132169 boring stuff you've just made, and then decide to throw around a box or two or place rules between columns, then that'srepparttar 132170 time when your creativity is getting out from confinement.

Before using allrepparttar 132171 box there is in your software, just remember to do it in moderation. Anything in excess is a bad thing. Sure, boxes and rules are a good way to highlight important information. But if you're going to do it in all your pages, or put virtually everything in a box, then nothing will stand out fromrepparttar 132172 crowd.

The Rule – Do not dividerepparttar 132173 page in halves.

The best way to infuse excitement and innovation in your documents is to dividerepparttar 132174 page into thirds. Afterwards, placerepparttar 132175 most important objects likerepparttar 132176 headings, photos, and visuals, atrepparttar 132177 top or bottom third.

Let's go to color.

The Rule – Contrasting colors make for greater readability.

Any designer knows that enough contrast betweenrepparttar 132178 text and background makes for easy reading of text and material. Often, dark text is used on a light background. And vice versa.

Although light text on a dark background is easy to read, this technique should be used sparingly. It's proven fact thatrepparttar 132179 eyes get more tired when reading large quantities of text on a dark background, thanrepparttar 132180 other way around.

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