Your Power To Choose

Written by Dr Kem Thompson

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I rememberrepparttar 130047 day I decided to become extremely successful. It was in my penultimate year in medical school. Up until that time I'd been passing my exams, just sailing along, not putting in much effort and not getting much out as a result. The funny thing (funny wierd, that is, not 'funny - ha ha') was that without realizing it, that same mediocre mindset had permeated other aspects of my life. I felt deeply dissatisfied and wasn't enjoying myself. I was also inrepparttar 130048 habit of blaming others or external circumstances when thing things didn't go my way.

One day I just felt fed up. I realized I didn't want to go on living like this. I knew I was capable of doing better than I was doing. It dawned on me that it was my life in question here - nobody could live it for me. Nobody could achieverepparttar 130049 results I desired but me. And right then one ofrepparttar 130050 results I wanted was to excel in my studies. I wanted to berepparttar 130051 best medical student that school had come across. I realized it was up to me to make that happen. Not my parents, not my friends, not even my lecturers.

So on that day I 'took my life in my hands' and said in essence, "from this day on I will do what I need to do in order to excel in med. school. I will operate in 'Excel Mode' from now on in every aspect of my life. I'm tired of being mediocre. I will excel. I choose to be extremely successful".

Making a conscious decision to change was enough to get me all fired up. My attitude and actions changed during classes too: I asked more questions, answered more, took more chances to learn things and so on.

To cut a long story short, that day wasrepparttar 130052 beginning of my experience of 'The Universal Principles of Success' (see chapter 2 ofrepparttar 130053 book: I coined that phrase after my experience, without knowing that there was a body of knowledge already existing, aboutrepparttar 130054 same sort of information. Truly, there is one Universal Mind at work. But more on that later.

I passed my finals with distinctions in every subject. I won several awards for beingrepparttar 130055 best student in each subject and then won a special award for beingrepparttar 130056 overall best graduating medical student forrepparttar 130057 year 1997.

That experience opened my eyes torepparttar 130058 power we each have to choose which way our life goes. I hope it opens your eyes too. You have so much potential in you right now, mostly lying dormant. You can literally become and do anything you want - you simply need to choose to do so and then go for it.

You've got what it takes to berepparttar 130059 best in your field, orrepparttar 130060 best you can be. I tell you, there is more than enough room atrepparttar 130061 top for you when you choose to excel.

Even if you are a Stay-at-home-parent, you can choose to make itrepparttar 130062 most fulfilling experience of your life. It's all up to you. Don't let anyone's words or opinions hold you back from makingrepparttar 130063 right choices for *you*. It's your life after all.

How to answer your call in mid-life

Written by Craig Nathanson

Hank Bochenski’s story proves it is never too late to walk away from a life you feel trapped in and do something that you really love. Hank spent 30 years in demanding senior positions at large high-tech companies. Byrepparttar time he went home each day, he felt like allrepparttar 130043 blood had been drained out of him. Hank’s real passion was his collection of more than 1,000 movies. He had recently spent hours convertingrepparttar 130044 collection from VHS to DVD, a process he enjoyed. One day his wife walked by as he worked on this project and said, “It’s too bad you can’t make money doing this.” Before his wife’s offhand remark, he hadn’t considered that he could do this full time. He did some research and found a company called Home Video Studio Inc., in Indianapolis. HVS offers 21 services, including DVD transfers, DVD duplications, home movie transfers, photo-video keepsakes, sports scholarship videos and videotape repair. Hank and his wife did some due diligence and decided that this was a perfect opportunity for them and they went ahead and got intorepparttar 130045 video duplication business. And to top it all off, Hank's studio is in his own home--no more 1.5-hour each way daily commute. What Happens in Mid-Life? Mid-life is a time of challenges and crossroads. Often we re-evaluate our relationships, become more concerned about our health or worry about whether we are as financially secure as we should be. The biggest challenges in mid-life often involve our careers, and more centrally, whether our careers are providingrepparttar 130046 fulfillment we crave, or are simply exhausting us physically and emotionally. In mid-life, fulfillment and meaning begin to compete with paychecks and perks, andrepparttar 130047 paycheck and perks usually win. Answeringrepparttar 130048 Call to Vocational Passion Before you can take action to changerepparttar 130049 course of your life and pursue your vocational passion, it is critical to take an inventory of your life and what is really important. You must begin by understanding what is missing. You need to have a dream and a plan for achieving it. Start by making a list ofrepparttar 130050 things that are missing in your life. Is it a passion from your youth that you can never find time to pursue? Is it music, a sport, writing, cooking, activism, entrepreneurship, working with kids? It doesn’t matter, as long as it is something you long to do, and have enough passion to do it full time.

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