Your Pet May Be a Shamanic Healer

Written by Margaret Loris, The Sunhealer

I get emails nearly everyday from people all overrepparttar world, asking me for my healing assistance with their pet companions.

Q: Why did my animal get sick?

A: This is one ofrepparttar 115538 first questions I receive.

“No greater love than this is for someone to lay down their life for their fellow man”

One ofrepparttar 115539 first things I need to tell you is that animals love you so unconditionally and so completely, that they act as shamanic healers. What I mean is that they will gladly sacrifice their own health and life by instinctively “taking on” their owner’s illness or disease in an attempt to cure them.

If you are a healer, please keep your animals out of your healing room, especially if you have an extremely ill client.

My miniature dachshund, Fritzl, thinks that everyone who ringsrepparttar 115540 doorbell is really coming to visit him. He escorts them, making a breeze with his wagging tail, allrepparttar 115541 way into my healing room. I know right there and then thatrepparttar 115542 healing has already begun.

I have know Fritzl to jump up onto my massage table, lay between my client’s legs, and send love energy to them. And Fritzl get so sad and begins to whine and cry when I pick him up to move him! He wants to help heal, and knows he can do it.

If you are ill, you need to have someone do some healings on your pet to pull and releaserepparttar 115543 toxic energies and raise his vibrations.

Listen To Your Body Talk

Written by Barbara Collins

Listen To Your Body Talk

If we listen very close our body speaks to us. Our inner voice tells us when something is not right. Our body talks to us inrepparttar form of physical symptoms and reveals to us problems within through these symptoms. What we must do is askrepparttar 115537 question of what is causing these symptoms our body reveals to us and what needs to be changed to fixrepparttar 115538 underlying problems. Symptoms need to be corrected and not suppressed.

When we get a headacherepparttar 115539 first thing we do is reach for a pain reliever, and in most casesrepparttar 115540 pain reliever then takesrepparttar 115541 pain away. What we must ask is what causedrepparttar 115542 pain, which is a symptom of our body telling us of a problem. What you actually got was a temporary fix to head pain, however what causedrepparttar 115543 pain inrepparttar 115544 first place is still there.

Several years ago, I sat at my doctors office frustrated to tears because I had a chronic skin condition called Hidradenitis Suppurativa. This chronic skin condition affectsrepparttar 115545 glandular areas ofrepparttar 115546 body in which causes boil type lesions that are very painful. With no known cure or cause of this condition,repparttar 115547 doctors I saw could not offer me much help. This is when I knew that I must help myself and findrepparttar 115548 reason for my condition. I listened to my body by taking a good look atrepparttar 115549 symptoms my body was using to tell me something was wrong.

This is when I really took a good look at what I was putting into my body on an every day basis. My diet consisted of fast foods and lots of sugar filled snacks. Does this sound familiar to you? If it does then you are inrepparttar 115550 same boat as I was along withrepparttar 115551 majority of others. Eventually this diet or lifestyle leads to an illness or disease. It may not be right now but eventually in most cases some sort or illness will strike. It may not berepparttar 115552 condition I had however, your body may react differently to your lifestyle and cause a different condition than that of mine.

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