Your Own $2 Rolling Billboard

Written by Buster Klingemann

Do you ever wonder how you can advertise your business more?

Have you ever thought about renting a billboard to advertise your website?

Have you ever checked into how much it cost to rent a billboard for one month? Wow, they're very expensive. At least a couple thousand dollars.

Well here's a much cheaper way to let people know about your business, every where you go.

You can use you car.

Why not?

People are always onrepparttar go. And to get somewhere they usually have to take their car. So why not use your car, to do a little advertising? Buses do. Taxis do. So can you.

You can buy one of those license plate holders with your web address on it. The ones that you put around your licence plate. But they're usually in such small print. How do you know if people can even see them?

There's a much better way.

One that I guarantee you, everybody that passes you onrepparttar 100860 road, or sees you inrepparttar 100861 parking lot, will Know about your website.

Go to a local office supply store, and buy some ofrepparttar 100862 white 2" stick on letters. They're usually only a couple of bucks for a whole package of different letters. For what you need, there should be more than enough different letters in one package.

Selectrepparttar 100863 letters of your web site address. And stick em torepparttar 100864 back windshield of your car. Be sure and putrepparttar 100865 letters up nearrepparttar 100866 top of your windshield, so as to not block your view outrepparttar 100867 back.

Stop Losing Money On Your Ads

Written by Sopan Greene, M.A.,

I've been hearing a lot of horror stories lately about people spending a lot of money on advertising that gets them no sales. If you're going through this I have a few tips that may help you out.

First of all, do free advertising and make money from that before you start spending a lot on advertising. This should be a no-brainer, but I guess it's not for a lot of folks. Yes, it takes money to make money, but be smart about it for crying out loud. Have a budget and only spend what you can afford. There are better things like "how to" information to invest your cash in before you blindly buy ad space. Get educated, then spend.

Don't use FFA's (free ad sites). They'll only bring you spam, not sales. I hear that some people have luck with them, I never have. Even if you get a little response from them, I still don't think it's worth allrepparttar spam you get.

The best way to do free advertising is to start an ezine and swap ads with other ezines. Some good places to visit for swaps are:

The best way to publish an ezine is to set up an autoresponder to build and contain your list. This isrepparttar 100859 easiest way to broadcast to thousands of subscribers. You can get an autoresponder at aweber for as little as $10.95 a month. Start out publishing at least twice a month to make it worthwhile.

You should do this even before you get a website. Bob Gatchell,repparttar 100860 "internet cheapskate," built his business this way inrepparttar 100861 beginning and got a site after he was making thousands a month onrepparttar 100862 internet. You can see what he does now at:

You can find a lot of free resources on how to put together an ezine. You can also sign up for one's that look interesting to you and model yours after them. So a search for "ezine directories" and pick out some you want to subscribe to. Here's a list of some great resources:

The other bonus to this is that it's alsorepparttar 100863 best way for you to build your own opt-in list and as you know, having your own opt-in list isrepparttar 100864 name ofrepparttar 100865 game in direct marketing and internet marketing. The people who makerepparttar 100866 most money haverepparttar 100867 biggest opt-in lists period. If you're not building a list then you're wasting your time and you'll only make small-time money.

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