Your Optimum Weight is Waiting 4 You

Written by Chris Carter

If you've found that you can't quite zip that favorite outfit anymore ... you needrepparttar products and equipment available on Carter Health & Nutrititional Products.

Knowing that everybody has their own preference in relation to diet and exercise,repparttar 112878 site makes available over 1600 products. Its easy to navigate with a search box that makes it difficult to missrepparttar 112879 products you choose.


Motorized Vs. Manual Treadmills

Written by Kathryn O'Neill

When people go to purchase a treadmill, one ofrepparttar first questions they ask is “Do I want a manual or motorized treadmill?”

What’srepparttar 112877 difference betweenrepparttar 112878 two?

The Basic Difference:

With a manual (or non-motorized) treadmill, you pushrepparttar 112879 belt with your feet. The action of your feet againstrepparttar 112880 treadmill movesrepparttar 112881 belt.

With a motorized treadmill you keep pace asrepparttar 112882 treadmill motor movesrepparttar 112883 belt for you at a pace you set electronically.

Advantages & Disadvantages:

Manual treadmills:

Tend to be cheaper (since you’re not paying forrepparttar 112884 motor) and can range from $200 to $600.

They also tend to be smaller, take up less space and are easier to move (since they aren’t as heavy as a motorized treadmill).

Some people have theorized that manual treadmills burn more calories than motorized treadmill since you supplyrepparttar 112885 power to moverepparttar 112886 belt.

This is unfortunately NOT TRUE.

Because you supplyrepparttar 112887 power, unless you are in top athletic shape, you will tend to move slower and get tired more easily. This results in LESS calories burned on a manual treadmill.

Plus,repparttar 112888 action of gettingrepparttar 112889 belt to move initially and keep it moving can cause a strain on your joints.

It’s also difficult to run on a manual treadmill so if you want to start a jogging program or train as a runner, a manual treadmill would not meet your needs.

Motorized treadmills:

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