Your Online Personal Ad- Write For Success!

Written by Toni Coleman, LCSW

Where are allrepparttar good men/women? You go to parties, sign up for various activities and ask friends and family if they know anyone they can introduce you to. Yet, your dating life has been more than a little disappointing. What is a guy/girl supposed to do to find quality people?

Begin by continuing to do what you have been doing. These are all good ways to meet people. However, you may need to expand your search torepparttar 101549 world of online dating. This would allow you to expand your search and come into contact with interested and available singles you would never meet inrepparttar 101550 existing circles in which you now move.

Perhaps you are thinking, "I have already tried this with little or mixed success." Maybe this too has become a source of disappointment and frustration and even despair. If so, you could be going about itrepparttar 101551 wrong way, or be in need of some information to put you on a track to better success. The first important step is writing your personal ad and choosing a good site to place it on.

The following are tips to help you write for success.

* Be Yourself

The goal of your ad is to attractrepparttar 101552 kind of person who would be compatible with you. You are looking for someone who shares your goals, values, sense of humor, lifestyle and perhaps religion or other specific criteria. If you put in information that is not true to who you are, you could send potentially good dates on torepparttar 101553 next ad. You may also attractrepparttar 101554 kind of person you are not interested in.

* Be Sincere

Nothing is more attractive than sincerity. Think about it. Isn't this a turn-on for you? If you are funny, be funny. If you are serious, be that. Use honesty in describing your traits and desires in a potential mate. If there is something that is a must-have for you in any future relationship, highlight it. Remember that when and if you move torepparttar 101555 next step,repparttar 101556 other person will experience you as you really are, regardless of whatrepparttar 101557 picture you drew for them in your ad looked like.

* Write Like You Talk

This goes right along with being you. Don't make your ad seem too contrived or rehearsed. You will loose that feeling of sincerity. Write a few drafts and just letrepparttar 101558 thoughts flow. Then go back and edit it. Make sure you spell check and check again. There is no bigger turn-off than someone who appears to have poor grammar or spelling.

* Be Specific, But Leave Out Hang-Ups and Other Negatives

Are you ready to make a Strong Finish?

Written by Coach Pat Morgan

Talk about a strong finish! In their inspiring story of perserverance which ultimately led to great success and victory,repparttar Detroit Shock won their first ever WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) championship title. USA Today told of their "worst-to-first odyssey" whererepparttar 101548 team, after winning only nine games in 2002, they finished 2003 with a league-best record and championship title. What was their formula for success? "They did not quit... they believed they could succeed and played their best... They also have a coach in whom they believe and who gives them confidence."

The Shocks championship victory is an example of what can happen through perseverence and continuing to work toward a dream. Although your goals may seem out of reach, it is too soon to quit. There is still time to make significant progress toward your goals.

Four Tips for a Successful Finish 1.REVIEW YOUR PROGRESS. Take a look at your accomplishments sincerepparttar 101549 beginning ofrepparttar 101550 year. Are you on track to accomplish your goals? Have you lost sight of some goals inrepparttar 101551 busy-ness of daily activities? Acknowledgerepparttar 101552 progress that you have made and determine which goals you will continue to pursue. Ask yourself: What have I accomplished to date? Which goals are most important to me?

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