Your Online Business Needs More Work

Written by Jean Lam

As unbelievable as it may seem for some, money can really be made online. But to succeed inrepparttar online world, a substantial effort, dedication, patience and perseverance are required in order to reaprepparttar 121108 rewards inrepparttar 121109 long run.

Below are ten important points to consider if you are serious about making your online business success a reality.

1) Own a domain name

No one without a domain can profit online. A domain is a real estate. You must own one. You must be prepared to develop one. It's very important.

2) Have a professional website design

Amateur design is embarrassing and won't help you make money. If you want people to treat you seriously and regard you as a professional, get professional design assistance.

3) Be hungry

One reason people fail online is because they believe inrepparttar 121110 "post it and they will buy" myth. The Internet doesn't work for people who aren't DETERMINED to understand it and make it work. You cannot lay back and profit online.

4) Sell value

Some people online sell crap. Crap will never make you successful online, or off. What people want, particularly in uncertain economic times, is VALUE. Value always sells.

5) Target Your Market

A common mistake among some web marketers is not generating "targeted" traffic. Targeting your market can berepparttar 121111 sole component to increasing your sales dramatically. It makes a huge difference inrepparttar 121112 response or conversion rates.

6) Build your database

Building your database and starting an opt-in e-mail list (also referred to as an e-zine or online newsletter) ensures you'll always have a ready supply of prospects to sollicit, and allows you to create a continuous revenue stream that pays off every month with little or no cost.

20 Words That Kill - At Least When It Comes to Spam Filters

Written by Alexandria K. Brown

Spam, spam, spam. It's terrible not only for those of us onrepparttar receiving end, but for those of us who SEND e-mail.

This deluge of irritating junk has unfortunately interfered with legitimate e-zine publishers, because we're caught inrepparttar 121107 anti-spam crossfire. If you publish any type of e-mail publication, there's a likely chance that your e-zine is NOT reaching a portion of your readers. Why? Their Internet service provider (ISP) or e-mail program uses a spam filter.

These software programs search for words and phrases that are typical of spam and assign each incoming e-mail a "score." If your e-mail has too many of these words and phrases, you receive a high score, and you may be blocked.


While there are other words that will cost you more "points" than these do (e.g. sexual phrases), here arerepparttar 121108 most common "trigger" words and phrases that you may be using in your e-zine:

1. amazing 2. cancel at any time 3. check or money order 4. click here 5. congratulations 6. dear friend 7. e-mail marketing 8. for only ($) 9. free (including toll-free) 10. great offer 11. guarantee 12. increase sales 13. order now 14. promise you 15. risk free 16. special promotion 17. this is not spam 18. to be removed 19. unsubscribe 20. winner


You have two choices when it comes to beatingrepparttar 121109 filters. One is to avoid using these words and phrases altogether. I've found that hard to do. For example, in a recent issue, I discussed how to use your e-zine to increase business. Unfortunatelyrepparttar 121110 word "increase" cost me a fat 1.4 points in SpamAssassin, one ofrepparttar 121111 most popular filter programs.

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