Your Million $ Sales Solution!

Written by Ana Hamid

Reach Thousands Of Hungry Customers Every Day Usingrepparttar exact same tactics and strategies that successful seasoned veterans apply to attract a continuous stream of Qualified Targeted Customers directly to their site night and day.

Paris Hilton? Your online marketing fails because you market as if you were Ms Hilton

Written by Christopher Kyalo

Are you Paris Hilton? Is your name instantly recognizable when mentioned anywhere inrepparttar world? Is your name always atrepparttar 124675 top of search engine’s most popular key word lists? Are people bound to react atrepparttar 124676 mere mention of your name anywhere? Are you Paris Hilton?


Then why do you market online as if you were Paris Hilton? Why do you use intrusive, annoying pop up ads (even as software to stop pop up ads continues to get so popular.)?

In fact I find all online advertisements intrusions of sorts (except those about Paris Hilton),repparttar 124677 Internet is just not a medium designed to carry advertising. There is only one effective way to market online and it’s free (more on that later in this article.)

Despite rapidly dropping online ad rates and despite online ads repeatedly failing to show results,repparttar 124678 world is still not convinced about this fact. Folks are still desperate to lose a few more billions marketing online beforerepparttar 124679 truth finally sinks in, if it ever will.

Even when it is clear that offline advertising and promotion hasrepparttar 124680 greatest chance of creating online success, many online entrepreneurs seem to have missedrepparttar 124681 point. Byrepparttar 124682 way, even Paris Hilton did all her major “promotions” offline to have gotten this popular online.

So which isrepparttar 124683 only effective way to market online?

It’s by posting free articles loaded with valuable free information. Userepparttar 124684 resource box atrepparttar 124685 bottom ofrepparttar 124686 article to tell us whorepparttar 124687 hell you are and why I need to know about your miserable existence. Remember I’m only human,repparttar 124688 only people I want to know are those who’ll benefit MY existence.

Tell me who you are in an interesting article that is targeted directly at ME and that will have some valuable useful free information for ME. Then your article must tell me what I will gain from knowing you or your business.

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